15 June 2024 celebrating the Acropolis Museum's anniversary in the British Museum

  • Join members of the British Committee for the Reunification of the Parthenon Marbles, including Janet Suzman, Chair of BCRPM, with members Victoria Hislop and Stuart O’Hara, together with members of the Greek community led by George Gabriel, at the British Museum. An opportunity to welcome the British Museum's new Director, Dr Nicholas Cullinan and make the case for the reunification of the Parthenon Marbles, marking the 15th anniversary of the Acropolis Museum.

    George Gabriel, BCRPM Committee Member said, “Elgin's excuse for not producing written authorisation for the removal of the Marbles never amounted to much more than “my mate kindly translated my homework into Italian before my dog ate it”.

    The Turkish authorities have now put the final nail in the coffin of the argument that these treasures were taken lawfully. Listen to the web recording of the 24th session of UNESCO’s ICPRCP held in Paris.

    We hope the British Museum's new leadership will embrace this moment and put right this historic wrong. Reunifying the Parthenon Marbles would restore the Museum's standing as a moral leader in the protection of our shared human heritage.” 


    Author Victoria Hislop, also a member of BCRPM, said, “We are delighted to extend our warm welcome and congratulations to Dr Cullinan following his appointment as Director of the British Museum.

    We come with an urgent request for a meeting following the Turkish announcement. 

    We have never been closer to seeing this incredible work of art reunified and it is our solemn hope that Dr Cullinan can join Museum Chair George Osborne in the history books as the men who helped make it happen.”

    Date: 15 June 2024

    Place: British Museum's Room 18

    Time: 11:00 am

  • This morning, I had the privilege of speaking on Greek TV and radio about the latest progress in the discussions on the reunification of the Parthenon Marbles.

    As a member of the British Committee for the Reunification of Parthenon Marbles, I highlighted the pivotal role of UNESCO’s ICPRCP, whose work over the past decade has garnered global support and influenced key decisions. It is on this international platform that both the British Museum and the UK government faced strong criticism for the time it has taken to begin bilateral discussions with Greece.

    This year at UNESCO ICPRCP's 24th session in Paris, it was Zeynep Boz, the delegate from Türkiye, head of the Turkish Culture Ministry’s department for combating trafficking in antiquities that declared there was no firman, no permission granted to Lord Elgin to allow the removal of the sculptures from the Parthenon.   

    The return of the Parthenon Marbles to Greece feels closer than ever! According to a recent article in The Economist, 2025 could mark significant progress in the ongoing talks between Greece and the UK.

    On 15 June, BCRPM's Chair Janet Suzman with members Victoria Hislop and George Gabriel plus supporters gathered in the BM's Room 18 to mark the Acropolis Museum's 15th anniversary. They also delivered a letter to Director of the British Museum, Nicholas Cullinan and shortly afterwards Nicholas Cullinan responded to Janet Suzman, BCRPM's Chair saying that “creating a new relationship with Greece regarding the Marbles will be a clear priority.”

    UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer, last November also said that if a mutually acceptable agreement is reached between the UK and Greece, the British government “will not stand in the way.”

    Avgoustinos Galiassos on Greek TV and radio 

    BCRPM marking the 13th, 14th and 15th anniversary of the Acropolis Museum in the British Museum



    A BCRPM letter was delivered to Nicholas Cullinan, the British Museum's new Director on 15 June by BCRPM campaigners and friends. The choice of the 15th was significant as this June, the Acropolis Museum celebrated its 15th anniversary.

    Alexandros and David were inspired to cover the remonstration at the British Museum as this cause is very close to both their hearts, and  they were with us also in 2022. We look forward to their continued involvement with the movement going forward.

    Below a link to the video that Alexandros and David artfully put together. It features interviews with Dame Janet Suzman and Victoria Hislop and a narrative of the events by Alexandros.  

    "This campaign is contingent on public awareness, which in turn is raised through high-profile endorsements and large amounts of content being created on the topic. With this in mind, David and I are very excited to also submit a review on the current debate surrounding the campaign to reunify the Parthenon Marbles." wrote Alexandros post the 15th of June.

    Watch: Talking Parthenon Marbles with Dame Janet Suzman and Victoria Hislop.


    Alexandros Lees: Alexandros is a British-Greek lawyer who first studied the Parthenon Marbles during his Law degree at the London School of Economics. Alexandros’ Greek heritage, legal training, and interest in cultural property give him a unique passion for repatriation.

    David Pinto: David Pinto is a Franco-American journalist, documentarian, and presidential campaign aide. A recent alum of Brown University, he earned a double bachelors degree in History and Film Studies. As a specialist in both international affairs and ancient history, David uses filmmaking to cover cultural property disputes.

    Next steps: Alexandros and David are currently writing a thinkpiece on the prospects of repatriation, focussing on the effects of a Labour Government, increasing international support for repatriation, and growing public awareness of the cause. The article will feature interviews with prominent figures involved in the debate.

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