cycling for the Parthenon Marbles

  • The municipality of Palaio Faliro in cooperation with Vasiliki Voutzali have organised a cycling event from London to Athens. This will take place from Sunday14 August to Sunday 28 August 2022.

    Greeks cycling for the marbles 1

    Photo credit: Vasiliki Voutzali

    The route will be about 3,000 km starting at the British Museum and ending at the Sacred Rock of the Acropolis. The cycling event is the first that has been organised by Greek cycling enthusiasts.

    The first such event to take place supporting the reunification of the Parthenon Marbles, was a solo cyclist from the UK, Dr Christopher Stockdale. Read more about Christopher's eventful campaign, which was then followed by Luca Lo Sicco from Sicily, and cycling enthusiast Michelle Petrax-Evans from Yorkshire.

    Sunday's ride is also supporting the reunificaton of the Parthenon Marbles and aptly entitled 'Bring them Back': 5 cyclists, 14 days 3000 kms.

    bring them back cycle run 2022

    Photo credit: Vasiliki Voutzali

    Vasiliki spoke to BCRPM on her arrival in London and said " the idea for a cycle ride was mine, the last time I had started a cycle in London was 2014 and it was time for another. Once we got together to discuss this, we all realised that we ought to do this in the name of the reunification of the sculptures from the Parthenon. One of the cyclists, Steffan is from Germany and now working and living in Mytilene, Lesvos, another Christos Koromilas, is blind and will join us when we arrive on Greek soil. We had no idea about Dr Stockdale's ride until we made contact with BCRPM. We are delighted to do this cycle ride for this great cause.

    "We will also lay flowers by the sculpted bust of Melina Mercouri in Athens, once we arrive in the city on the 28th of August. We have small Caryatid statues that we will hold as we set off, as we are sure that she is also wishing us well on our 3000 kms cycle for the Parthenon scultures! Also exciting is when we arrive on Greek soil to be joined by Stavros Soumas.

    "The bike was chosen as a means of travelling on this route because we love to cycle but also because of it is a 'natural' means of exercise, it is fun and as a mode of transport, it doesn't burden the environment." Added Vasiliki Voutzali.

    "This project is also dedicated to three of our good friends and fellow travellers, who unfortunately are no longer with us: Kostas Kesinis, Theofanis Barlas and Stelios Stelios Goulielmos. They are forever in our minds." Concludes Vasiliki Voutzali

    This cycling event is under the auspices of the POLITICAL PROTECTION - IDAFK P.E.E.E.P.I. - D.D.I.P.P.D.K. - ACTIVE CITIZENS of the Institute for The Management of Man-made and Natural Disasters - international Network for Civil Protection and Crisis Management belonging to the Ministry of Labour and in particular to the department of K.A.L.O. The sponsors as well as the participants with some of their achievements are listed below:

    1. Alexandros Matheou, Vascular Surgeon
    2. H&Β
    4. Woodcam
    5. Sumas Batteries
    6. Kovanis Custom Sportswear
    7. Alfa Cyclingteam
    8. Toys Stores
    9. ANEK LINES Οfficial
    11. Superfast Ferries
    10. Gountas Physio
    11. Νικολαΐδης driving school
    12. Grill spot
    13. Dalavikas Bikes
    14. Zs Zitrosocks

    1. Vasiliki Voutzali : Transcontinental race 2014 (4000 km) London - Istanbul , Indian Pacific race Perth-Sydney (5500 km )
    2. Steffen Streich: German living and working in Mytilene, Lesvos and competes in ultra endurance races under the Greek flag, some of his achievements: TCR (London -Istanbul 3500 km), IPWR (Perth -Sydney Australia 5780 km), Transam(6900 km) TransAfrica (1860 km) North Cape -Tarifa (7800 km)
    3. Giannis Efthymiou - 2 entries in the Round of Central Greece 2017 and 2021 (1400 km), 2 participations Paris Brest Paris 2015 and 2019 (1200 km )
    4. Vasilis Kordas  - many distinctions in endurance cycling races in Greece and abroad
    5.Stavros Soumas has participated in events within Greece from 200 to 600 kms. Once the five cyclists reach Greek soil, Christos Koromilias, an athlete with visual disabilities, will be joining the cycle run to the Acropolis. Christos Koromilas President Ionas People with Disabilities, member of the Board of Directors of the Lighthouse of the Blind of Greece, the Guide Dogs for the Blind of Greece and the EAOM people with disabilities.

    Supporters: OAKA OLYMPIC ATHLETIC CENTER of Athens "Spiros Louis", and the national sports federation of people with disabilities, plus Ionas department of therapeutic education and para-sports for people with disabilities.


    Dame Janet Suzman, Chair of BCRPM sent an email to congratulate the cyclists on their ride:

    Wish I could join you to cheer you on your way.
    What a great adventure you’re undertaking and how very fit you all are!
    Thanks on behalf of all civilised free spirits! Have a great time en route.
    Janet S


    cyclingGreeks cycling for the marbles arrive in UK

    Photo credit: Vasiliki Voutzali


    As did Dr Christopher Stockdale:

    Dear Vasiliki,

    I was over the moon when Marlen told me that you were planning to cycle 3000k from the British Museum to the Acropolis to highlight the plight of the separated Parthenon sculptures.
    In doing so you will spiritually join those pieces of sculpture that lie forlornly in the Duveen Gallery to those in their rightful place in the New Acropolis Museum in full view of the Parthenon. 
    Since the Parthenon frieze was completed in 432 BC the stones suffered terrible torment as the years passed by but none more so than by Elgin's wrecking crew in 1800.You will be fully cognizant of the journey made by a significant number of pieces to London and their eventual acquisition by the British Government.
    In 1983 Eleni Cubitt became the secretary of the British Committee for the Reunification of the Parthenon Marbles (BCRPM) and since then a tireless worldwide community of campaigners have worked so hard nationally and internationally to seek the return of the British held pieces of frieze (52), metopes (15) and figures (15) to their rightful home. 
    I'm so sorry that you will be unable to meet Eleni who broke our hearts when she passed away in 2020.
    I began the journey you are undertaking on the 15th April 2005 and arrived at the gates of the Acropolis some 21 days later.I shall never forget my wondrous adventure and the inspiration for my journey, ie. the return of the Parthenon Sculptures, remained strong throughout and has never left me.
    I wish you the safest of travels and hope your heart will be as uplifted as mine when you stand alongside the Parthenon with your bike held proudly in the air ( a necessary tradition!!)
    I shall be thinking of you daily and thank you for making such a monumental effort on behalf of the sculptures.
    With my very warmest regards,
    Chris Stockdale

    Chris acropolis 1


  • Congratulations to Chris Froome on winning this year's Tour de France. 

    Chris also won the 2013 and 2015 races and is the first to successfully defend his title in more than 20 years. He finished this years epic race, arm-in-arm with his team-mates behind the peloton after Andre Greipel won the final sprint finish.

    Cycling has also featured in the campaign for the reunification of the Parthenon Marbles. Three very different and very dedicated individuals, share their passion for cycling with a deep desire to see this peerless work of art reunited in the Acropolis Museum, in Athens, Greece.

    Currently the surviving Parthenon marbles are mainly (and almost equally) divided between two great museums - the British Museum in London, where their collection has been displayed for 200 years and the Acropolis Museum in Athens, which recently celebrated it's seventh year. It is in Athens, that the sculptures can be seen in the context of the Parthenon itself.  

    Decades of campaigning and centuries of requests to do the 'right' thing and return these fragmented sculptures has resulted in the main reason stopping the British Museum  from doing the right thing. In the BM, these sculptures form part of world history. Over six millions visitors  to the British Museum are  shown how they should 'see' history in the context of other objects and their stories.

    Back to cycling. Healthy past time for many (of all ages) and a leading sport for many more. But how did three individuals bring cycling into the campaign for the reunification?

    We have to start with the outstanding Dr Christopher Stockdale, a long serving BCRPM member, inspired by Anne Mustoe. He bravely cycled from the courtyard of the British Museum on 15 April 2005 to the foot of the Acropolis in Athens and made his way with his bike all the way to the Parthenon. It took Chris 3 weeks, 3 days, 5 hours and 26.6 minutes to complete this cycle. More on this story here.

    Chris Acropolis  May 2005 compressed

    On Tuesday 01 July 2014, Dr Luca Lo Siccoembarked on his first bicycle trip from the British Museum, across Europe to Greece and the Acropolis Museum, where he donated his bicycle to the museum. Professor Pandermalis, President of the Acropolis Museum sent him this letter

    luca BM

    Luca continued his cycling the following year to Copenhagen, Denmark. It is here, in the National Museum of Denmark, there are two heads missing from a metope, which is in  the British Museum in London.

    On 02 July 2014, the edition of the Yorkshire Post Life & Style Magazine, carried an article on formidable octagenerian, Michelle Patrax Evans. Also a keen cyclist, Michelle lives in Leeds and was looking forward to the tour de France of 2014 but she has been passionate about the sculptures from the Parthenon for decades.

    Before her interview with journalist Sarah Freeman, Michelle frantically made contact to ask, was cycling a part of the campaign for the reunification of the Parthenon Marbles! And was delighted to find out that its is.

    Michelle Petrax - Evans ON BIKE

    Cannot describe Michelle's response when we did exlain that Dr Chris Stockdale had made an amazing trip in 2005 before the Acropolis Museum had opened and that Luca, a University lecturer living in Britain was embarking on the same journey on the 1st of July 2014.

    The Yorkshire Post Life & Stylemagazine can be viewed on line and a small selected part of the article can be viewed here

    And with cycling playing a significant role for campaigners of the reunification of the Parthenon Marbles, we would like to add our heartfelt congratulations to Chris Froomeon winning the Tour de France yesterday and for the third time. A great achievement.


  • Chris acropolis 2

    Dr Christopher Stockdale is no stranger to pushing his physical limits to do his bit for the campaign to reunite the sculptures of the Parthenon. He swam for the Parthenon marbles from Delos to Paroson 01 July 2000 and on 15 April 2005 he rode his bicycle from the courtyard of the British Museum in central London to the Parthenon in Athens.

    “Bottom line is you work hard, you have to get up and be motivated. Your body and the weather conditions bring their limitations to your own determination. Just 150 miles into France I had an awful accident and hurt my shoulder bruised my thigh. That injury and problems with my front wheel made it a challenging ride in more ways than one!” Concludes Dr Stockdale.

    It started on 15 April 2005 with an early, 5:48 am train from the Midlands which arrived into Marylebone Station at 7:36 am. A short taxi ride with Margaret , 3 panniers and the bicycle took Chris and Margaret to Bloomsbury and the British Museum where Eleni Cubitt came to meet them at Starbucks for coffee and blueberry muffins.

    Chris acropolis  BM and eleni 2

    Chris had not told Eleni what he was going to do be doing so as not to make her anxious but judging by the expression on her face in the photo, she was worried, not because she did not believe in Chris’ outstanding abilities but because she was very fond of him.

    Chris mentions that his inspiration came from Anne Mustoe and the start of the journey was uneventful as was the first 150 miles in France. Then disaster, Chris’ front wheel locked into a tram line just outside Rimes and he went headlong over his bicycle causing damage to his shoulder. It rained every day in France and the terrain plus his injury made the cycling tedious.

    Memorable moments where plentiful including crossing the St Bernard pass…. It was still snowing. The cycle ride down to Aosta was another big challenge, Chris was suffering from hypothermia, he couldn’t remember where he was, he stopped in what he thought was a bar but in fact it was a tire shop. His front wheel was in need of repair and Carlo took this in hand and helpful souls took Chris in, got him to change out of his wet clothes, parked him by a warm log fire and plied him with strong coffee. Carlo Aribone with his dog Oliver rebuilt Chris’ front wheel and did such a great job that he also took away any uncertainty Chris had travelled with since his accident back in France.

    Chris acropolis  repair tire

    Milan, Bologna, all flashed by then he crossed at Brindisi by ferry to Patras and he regrets not having made the detour toMessolonghi to pay tribute to Byronbut there might be another time…

    Once in Greece he tried the motorway, soon to realise this was going to be another hazard so he took the old the national road but when the two join up, he felt his life was not in his hands. As if by miracle he made it, riding into Plaka, feeling on top of the world…. Then there was the Acropolis. At the entrance gate he tried to tell the ticket officer that he had been riding his bicycle for weeks and for the campaign of the Parthenon Marbles, the man looked him up and down and simply said “Would you like a brochure?”. Chris did take this brochure and made it up the 39 marble steps too, as a happy bedraggled soul, and he held his bicycle over his head in front of the Parthenon.

    Chris Acropolis  May 2005 compressed

    Cycle run accomplished in 3 weeks, 3 days, 5 hours and 26 minutes! Chris had cycled a total of just under 2,000 miles, from 9 am to 4 pm daily, about 60-80 miles per day with a few rest days, some enforced as a result of his fall and injury in France. He fondly remembers the wonderful people en route, the many places that the bicycle, a 50th birthday present -Greg Lemond Alpe’d'huez - was stored, the great sense of achievement at the end.

    A wonderful post cycle reception was organised in Athens by Elena Korka for the Greek Ministry of Culture.

  • The ultra-endurance cycling challenge "London-Athens on 2 wheels - Bring them back" in its second year, began at 5 am on Saturday 05 August, outside the British Museum gates. 

    Cycling heroes: Vasiliki Voutzali (Greece), Steffen Streich (Germany & Greece), Christopher Ross Bennett (New Zealand), Paul Alderson (UK), and Dionisis Kartsambas (Greece), set off to cycle 3,500 kms to reach the Acropolis Museum in Athens.

    Catch up on their daily challenges, the highs and lows by visiting their facebook page .

    Before leaving, the BCRPM's Christopher Stockdale, Marlen and Tony Godwin, met with the cyclists in Room 18. Christopher presented a copy of his book 'Simming with Hero' to Vasiliki. 

    group small cyclists BM hestiagroup BM cyclists and chris pic

    In Room 18 meeting Christopher Stockdale, the first person to cycle from the British Museum to the Acropolis Museum in 2005

    fans bmhorse riders small

    Fans in each corner of Room 18, trying to circulate the warm air. 


    christopher and marlen in room 18 at BM

    A flag that has been used in Room 18 sine the opening of the Acropolis Museum in 2005, shows the tip floor Parthenon Gallery of the Acropolis Museum , where the surviving halves of the sculptures not removed by Lord Elgin are displayed the right way round and with views to the Parthenon.

    Vasilki small with stickers

    Vasiliki with a little help adds a few stickers outside the BM.

    small early morning start at BM on 05 August at 5 amBring them bck booklet

    August, 05 at 5 am outside the British Museum gates, five cyclists begin a journey , an endurance journey in the hope that their efforts will add more pressure to the British Museum to reunite the Parthenon Marbles. The cyclists: Vasilki Voutzali (Greece), Steffen Streich (Germany & Greece), Christopher Ross Bennett (New Zealand), Paul Alderson (UK), and Dionisis Kartsambas (Greece) are making history too.


    Christopher and Swiming with Hero outside BM on 05 August

    Christopher Stockdale, a retired GP from Solihull, and member of BCRPM swam for the marbles (2000 from Delos to Paros) and cycled in 2005. He admits cyclist was out of his comfort zone but the campaign for the reunification of the Parthenon Marbles is very much in Christopher's heart, although he was devastated not to be able to join the cyclists on this day.

    This year the cyclists selected a number of segments along the route, stopping in Lille, France on their first night as the UK weather was a heady mixture of strong winds and heavy rains. Their first stop on day 2 was their intended first segment stop, Mons in Belgium.

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    Steffen and Vasiliki in Mons and.... at the Melina Mercouri St.

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    As Paul heads back to UK, Christopher carries on with Vasiliki, Steffen and Dionisis to Germany

    364547596 965651931210881 3597101682809271535 n

    Fom Belgium to Munich in Germany, and to Budapest in Hungary, segments 2 & 3

    germany bike menders

    Bici Bavarese | Vintage & Moderne Rennräder in München


    germanyhungary 2

    A warm welcome in Budapest!


    From Hungary to Serbia and North Macedonia, arriving in Kastoria and Trikala.

    dionisis kastoria

    christopher kastoria





    at last three arrive in Athens and aait the arrival of Dionisis

    Athens, today 17 August,  just 12 days from that cold, wet and windy 5th of August outside the British Museum. Christopher's time was 12 days, 3 hours and 18  minutes. We await the arrival of Dionisis tomorrow with a welcome from the Melina Mercouri Foundation, and a visit to the Acropolis Museum. 

  • , is Italian and has been living and working in the UK for over 15 years. He teaches at the University of Southampton and with Prof. David Boyd-Carrigan co-founded 'Greece Needs Love'. The aim has been to raise money for art students in Greece and organise an exhibition for Greek artists in London - a Greek Art Biennale. An equally important aim was to join  the campaign to return the sculptures from the Parthenon currently housed in the British Museum, back to Greece and the Acropolis Museum.

    On 01 July this year, Luca began his cycle run from Bloomsbury, London outside the entrance of the British Museum.

    luca BM

    He was suffering with a summer cold and could barely speak but set off and 35 days and 8 hours later, he arrived in sunny Greece. He travelled through France and Italy crossing by ferry from Italy to Patras and cycling from the west Peloponnese to Athens. Difficult moments were plentiful but what will be a lasting memory for Luca, is the help and support he received from people along the way. All those that asked him what he was doing, were quick to say they too supported the reunification of these sculptures.

    Generosity, fairness and respect are values that shape Luca's life, and he firmly believes that the best place to view the sculptures is in the Acropolis Museum. "The return of the marbles to Athens is a historic and moral obligation of us all" concludes Luca.

    Deputy Culture and Sports Minister Angela Gerekou, congratulated Luca and presented him with a figurine replica of a dove from the Hellenistic period.


    luca and angela

    Luca had also decided, prior to starting his journey, that he would donate his bicycle to the Acropolis Museum. In Athens he met  Professor Pandermalis, President the Acropolis Museum.

    luca and pandermalis

    There is no doubt as we followed Luca's progress with his Facebook and twitter posts that his infectious smile was catching all the way into Athens!

    luca cycling athens

    The campaign for the reunification of the Parthenon Marbles love affair with cycling began nearly a decade ago with Dr Christopher Stockdale MBE, a General Practitioner from the Midlands and member of the British Committee. After he retired in 2003, Chris cycled in spring 2005 from London to Athens to campaign for the reunification of the marbles - five years before the Acropolis Museum was opened. 

  • What really interests me is the apparent permanent intransigence of the Directors and Trustees [of the British Musem].These are not a collective body of 'idiotes', those aloof from public affairs, but intelligent, knowledgeable and articulate human beings.WHY do they not move? WHY is the decades old response always 'NO'.

    Pericles would have been aghast at our lack of progress as a civilisation capable of change and altered thought. I am reminded that he said 'For we alone regard the man who takes no part in public affairs, not as one who minds his own business but as 'good for nothing'. Perhaps an inability to discuss and open fresh lines of dialogue with respect to the ongoing plight of the Parthenon Sculptures is just the same as not taking part.

    The New Acropolis Museum approaches it's tenth birthday. We had hoped for success in 2004, then 2009 but still nothing, and again I ask WHY? What factor X beguiles and frustrates our efforts, the will of the British people and our Greek friends. What will stop the Trustees and successive Directors from ALWAYS saying 'NO' and encourage them to engage in productive dialogue.

    Christopher Stockdale

    christpher small

    Christopher has been actively involved in raising money for charities as well as campaigning for the reunification of the Parthenon Marbles. As a GP from Solihull, he swam from Delos to Parosfor the Parthenon marbles in 2000, he also cycled from the British Museum to the Acropolis Museum in 2005. He has also written a book, Swimming with Hero.

  • From 14 to 28 August, five determined cyclists rode from the gates of the British Museum to Athens' Acropolis. Once on Greek soil they were joined by a 6th cyclist and en route they did get additional support from more enthusiastic cyclists. The aim: to raise awareness for the campaign to reunite the Parthenon Marbles in Athens' superlative Acropolis Museum.

    Vasiliki, Steffen, Giannis, Stavros and Vasilis, once they had completed the tough 15 days, cycling over 3000 kms, jointly said: "We would do it again and again! We love riding and although as we started our bodies felt the pain, our muscles the strain and we do/did get tired but our goal spurred stronger thinking - thinking of our country Greece and our culture! We, with millions not just in Greece of course, support the reunification of the Parthenon Marbles. We were delighted that you exist and that the strong support for the reunification of these marbles is also alive and well in England. We look forward to the day when we can cycle from England to Greece to celebrate the reunification. Here’s to that very special day. Here’s to respecting cultural heritage!"

    Vasiliki Voutzali added:"when we ride our bicycles, an old protest intensifies and the movement grows stronger in a sustainable way."

    vasiliki passo del stelvio 2

    Giannis Efthymiou also said:”cycling for me personally was the best and most peaceful way of reaching our goal."

    giannis efthymiou 3

    Stavros Soumas commented: "am 62 years old and my dream came true. I wanted to teach my grandson that anything is possible, if you believe in something that is right and you can fight for it, never stop trying."

    Cyclists outside BM

    Vasilis Kordas added:“If you believe it, it will happen."

    vasilis kordas in Davos Patz Graubunden Switzerland

    Steffen Streichsaid: "from the fist moment I came to Greece, it felt like I was home. The “bring them back” project, cycling from the British Museum in London to the Acropolis, and the Acropolis Museum, was my way of showing my gratitude to Greece and her cultural heritage, and doing so with something that I love a lot, cycling!”


    Christos Koromilas, joined the cyclists once they had reached Greek soil and he said:“when I was on the saddle of my bike, I thought and felt that nothing is impossible and everything is written in history.So we keep pedalling , smiling and thinking the Greek flag, Melina Mercouri and the Acropolis Museum."


     A total of 3005 km were covered, the cyclists rode their bicycles around 10-12 hours every day, covering about 240 km each day. Vasiliki explains that they had a plan of the places that they could reach each day and where they could spend the night.

    They met up with cycling enthusiast Giorgos Galanopoulos at Amiens, he rode with them from there to Provins, and Walter Reiterer joined them in Basel. Walter cycled with them until they reached Verona in Italy.

    The cyclists were sponsored by:
    1.Venocare Athens 2. H&B 3. Soumas mpataries 4. Woodcam 5. Coloriposto 6. ANEK LINES 7. SUPERFAST FERRIES 8. Toys store 9. DalavikasBike 10. Alfa cycling team 11. Gountas_physio 12. Nikolaidis driving school 13. Grill Spot 14. Zitrosock 15. pas pineios


    Paulina Tzeirani, Communications Director of the Melina Mercouri Foundation met with the cyclists in the afternoon of the 28 of August at the marble sculpture of Melina Mercouri and subsequently sent this heartfelt message:

    "I was very moved to meet Vasiliki Voutzali, Steffen Streich, Giannis Efthymiou, Vasilis Kordas, Stavros Soumas and Christos Koromilias, the athletes, who with fierce determination and admirable perseverance, completed their astounding endeavor by laying flowers and small caryatid statues in front of the bust of Melina Mercouri before ascending the sacred rock of the Acropolis. The thrill they experienced was contagious to the crowd that had gathered to show its appreciation for these young people who proved that the cause of the Return of the Parthenon Marbles concerns everyone, irrespective of age. The Melina Mercouri Foundation welcomes this admirable undertaking with great enthusiasm. The instigators are included among those who carry on Melina’s vision for the Return of the Parthenon Sculptures."

    collage melina

    Dr Christopher Stockdalewho first cycled from the British Museum to the Acropolis in 2005, set this congratulatory message to the cyclists also: 

    I was just so very delighted to hear that all the cyclists had successfully made it from London to Athens……and in such an incredible time too !!!!!…..the gods Hermes,Nike and Kratos were obviously in favour of their splendid endeavour and with them physically and spiritually, all the way. He wrote to Vasiliki the following message: "You have given of your time and extreme effort to illuminate the hopes of every member of BCRPM. All of us who long to see those separated Sculptures incarcerated in ‘prison’ Duveen reunited with their counterparts on the Parthenon THANK YOU and I applaud you for your strength of will and resolve to help our most noble cause. You rightly seem to have had the most wonderful welcome in Athens and I do so hope that fond memories of your worthy adventure will persist ad infinitum.I still remember much of my own journey vividly and treasure every memory. Thank you again on behalf of our British community who will continue to strive for the Sculptures reunification. Cherish your monumental success. With my very kindest regards", Chris Stockdale.

    cyclists at AM 1


    Many more BCRPM members added their congratulations too:

     collage cycling words


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