"Dimitrios Pandermalis" theatre in the Acropolis Museum

  • The Acropolis Museum and the Association of the Friends of the Museum of Aigai present a lecture by the Honorary Ephor of Antiquities, Dr Angeliki Kottaridi, entitled "The Palace of Philip II in Aigai: Monument-Landmark of Macedonia" which will take place on Wednesday 3 April 2024, at 6 p.m., at the Acropolis Museum.

    Dr. Angeliki Kottaridi is responsible for the conservation of the restoration project of the palace of Aigai. She will briefly present the history of the research, the basic principles of conservation and restoration of the monument and the reasons why these were chosen.

    The presentation will focus on the new evidence that emerged thanks to thorough research and analytical documentation that began in 2007 and was completed in 2023.

    These elements helped in the restoration of the palace's form and the restoration of parts of it, while, in combination with historical sources, they shed light on the functions of the emblematic building, which is a milestone in the evolution of ancient architecture. This palace shaping the idea of enlightened hegemony, and is directly linked to major historical events that determined the course of Greece and the World.

    The lecture will take place at the "Dimitrios Pandermalis" theatre and will be broadcast live on the Acropolis Museum website www.theacropolismuseum.gr (live streamed). 

    To read the article by Helena Smith in the Guardian about the Palace of Aigai, the largest surviving classical Greek building, after its 16-year reconstruction was completed, follow the link here. The article also quotes historian, broadcaster and BCRPM member, Michael Wood.

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