Greek Ministry of Culture and Sport

  • A video to celebrate the Acropolis Museum's 11th anniversary

    Russel Darnley, the International Liaison Officer for IOC-A-RPM created a video to celebrate the Acropolis Museum's 11th anniversary.

    "On 20 June, I  knew I would still be thousands of miles away from Athens, still unable to travel with Covid19 restrctions. Although I am based at the moment in Singapore, other Committee members are in Australia and we had a decent library of images, so it made sense to consider animating these to celebrate this anniversary of the Acropolis Museum" explaned Russell.

    By animating each image, the video highlights the salient points made by the Greek Ministry of Culture and Sport and does so in an economical fashion. The video has been shared on social media platforms, creating an impactful message for many, all around the globe supporting the reunification of the Parthenon Marbles.

    Watch the video here:

    To read more about the IOC-A-RPM's work, visit

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  • 22 December 2021, Athens


    At a conference organised by the Greek Culture Ministry, Greece presented the Greek edition of the UNESCO Military Manual, addressed to the Greek Armed Forces in the context of the protection of cultural property both in time of peace and war.

    The Military Manual, the first international training tool of this kind, was launched by UNESCO on 05 December 2016 and is intended to serve as a practical guide to the implementation by military forces of the rules of international law for the protection of cultural property in armed conflict. It combines a military-focused account of the relevant international legal obligations of States and individuals with suggestions as to best military practice at the different levels of command and during the different phases of military operations, whether by land, sea or air.

  • 01 December 2021, press release from the Greek Ministry of Culture and Sport

    Following media interest in an agenda item, item 27 of the 48th Meeting of the Central Archaeological Council of Greece, which took place on Tuesday 30 November 2021, the Ministry of Culture and Sport informs that it welcomes the process of returning a fragment of the Parthenon frieze to Greece. That the Acropolis Museum will begin the final stages of this process once the Central Archaeological Council provides its opinion on the matter at its forthcoming meeting, as this is required by law.

    The fragment is from Block VI of the Parthenon’s east frieze (Ν.Ι. 1546), currently held at the Antonio Salinas Regional Archaeological Museum in Palermo, Italy. The Antonio Salinas Archaeological Museum has expressed the intention to provide a long-term loan of the fragment to the Acropolis Museum for four (4) plus four(4) years. These loan periods are specified by Italian legislation.

    Provided the Central Archaeological Council delivers a positive conclusion, it is planned that the fragment will reach the Acropolis Museum before the end of 2021. In return, Greece will provide the Antonio Salinas Archaeological Museum with a statuette of the goddess Athena, subsequently replaced with a vessel from the earliest phase of the Geometric Period. The two ancient objects will be displayed at different times at the Palermo Museum. The Acropolis Museum will loan both of these to the museum in Sicily. According to Italian Law, the duration of the counter loan is also for four (4) plus four(4) years.

    Talks on this long term loan of the fragment between the Regional Government of Sicily and the Minister of Culture and Sport, Lina Mendoni, began in January 2021, as did discussions between the two museums.


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