Of the 28 preserved figures of the pediments 19 are in London and 9 are in Athens

  • 11 million visitors and the 8th anniversary

    Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney (NY-12), Co-Chair of the Congressional Caucus on Hellenic Issues, Congressman Gus Bilirakis (FL-12), Co-Chair of the Congressional Caucus on Hellenic Issues, and Congressman Donald Payne, Jr. (NJ-10) introduced a resolution calling on Great Britain to return the Parthenon Marbles to Greece.

    This Stateside call for the reunification of the Parthenon Marbles made by three US Congress Representatives Maloney, Bilirakis and Payne, was issued the day after Greece celebrated Independence Day, on 26 March 2019.

    The sculptures from the Parthenon remain fragmented and maily exhibited bbetween two world-lass mseums, the Acropolis Museum in Athens, due to celebrate its 10th anniversary this June and the British Museum in London.

    2 museums

    Thomas Bruce, the seventh Earl of Elgin paid men to cut off with huge metal saws, hammers and chiselsabout half of the integral parts of the Parthenon to then transport them to Great Britain, destined originally for his ancestral home in Scotland. Of the 97 surviving blocks of the Parthenon frieze 56 removed by Lord Elgin's men, 40 remained in Athens. Of the 64 surviving metopes 48 are in Athens and 15 in London. And of the 28 preserved figures of the pediments, 19 are in London and 9 are in Athens.

    In 1816, Lord Elgin in a fire sale saw British Parliament vote to purchase the Marbles. They have for over 200 years resided in the British Museum, despite requests for their return. The first request was made after Greece gained her independence and many more requests continue to date. Countless efforts to find a way forward have tragically been blocked by the British Museum and UK Goverment. All requests have fallen on deaf ears including attempts by UNESCO to mediate.

    To read the article in full, please follow the link here.

    “The Parthenon Marbles belong in Greece, with the Greek people,” said Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney. “The marbles are some the country’s greatest examples of artistic expression and beauty and are vital pieces of Greek history. The people of Greece and those who visit from all around the world to see the magnificence of the Acropolis should be able to enjoy the Marbles in their rightful home. This resolution calls upon Great Britain to finally return these treasures.”

    “Art provides a window into history and is the ultimate freedom of expression,” said Congressman Gus Bilirakis. “The Parthenon Marbles were made by the citizens of Athens under the direction of renowned artist Phidias to celebrate the pride and majesty of the City of Athens. To not house and view these citizen contributions in the city they were originally intended does a disservice not only to the people of Athens, but also to the civilization that paved the path for modern democracy and freedom. I sincerely hope to see these original works and other important elements of Hellenic history finally returned to their rightful owner for future generations of proud Greeks to enjoy.”

    The Parthenon Marbles tell a story of celebration for Ancient Greece, and the marbles are important to Greek culture,” saidCongressman Donald Payne . “To best serve history and to ensure the world can enjoy ancient history in its proper context, the Parthenon Marbles should be returned to Greece.”

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