Roger Michel

  • The possible solution to Greece's long-standing request for the reunification of the Parthenon Sculptures from London may be held by... robots.

    It is the first time in history that one of the Parthenon Sculptures in the British Museum has been replicated using digital 3D technology and a robot.

    The famous chariot horse head of the goddess Selene: the ancient Greeks believed that a goddess Selene carried the moon across the sky each night. They imagined her driving a horse-drawn chariot with two white horses. Selene's crown lit up the moon as her white horses galloped across the night sky. And the horse's head in the British Museum is the exquisite sculpture carved by Pheidias in 5th century BC, and this year, 2022 digitally reproduced and carved by robotic 3D imaging machines.

    The director and founder of the Institute of Digital Archaeology (IDA), Roger Michael described to ERT how they managed to scan the sculptures after the British Museum refused them permission.

    "We asked the British Museum for permission to scan some of the items. We were surprised when they refused to give it to us, but we decided to take matters into our own hands and so we did the scans using portable equipment at the British Museum. We then converted these scans into a 3D model and from that 3D model, we then created this amazing marble sculpture carved from precious Pentelian marble," Roger Michael told ERT .

    The Institute for Digital Archaeology (IDA) chose the head of a horse of Selene, which adorned the right end of the Parthenon's East pediment, as their first work of perfect reproduction.

    ert HORSE

    “It's one of the most well-known works of the Parthenon Sculptures in the British Museum, and we chose it for that very reason, because one of the things we're trying to show with this installation is how great the technology is, how close to the original we can be with this reconstruction. Because it shows an animal reaching the limits of its effort, it's really an incredible sculpture," said Mr. Michael.

    "It's chilling, this accuracy! I think it's great that we can feed information into a machine that makes a perfect copy of a work made by a human hand. The magic of it is amazing," Dame Janet Suzman, the Chair of the  tells ERT.

    Ms. Suzman, a multi-award winning actress was introduced to the plight of these sculptures, and the campaign by “ the tornado that was Melina Mercouri when she came here to the UK and swept us all along with her, she was a strong wind. And we were like autumn leaves falling and that's when I got excited," as she described her meeting with the culture Minister at the time.

    Jane Melina and Vanessa small

    Shuttershock image, user ID 361013921. Photo of Jane Suzman with Melina Mercouri and Vanessa Redgrave 

    The Institute for Digital Archaeology (IDA) is proposing to replace the Parthenon sculptures in the British Museum with exact replicas, something that covers the museum's argument as an educational institution and at the same time restores the Greeks' connection to their ancient heritage.

    The debate has been intense in recent months about the Greek request, the people support it as shown by the opinion polls, and the Chair of the British Museum, George Osborne himself said that "an agreement is possible". But has the time for such an agreement arrived?

    "Greeks love sculptures not only because they represent Greece in that part of history. Greece has many sculptures from the fifth century that do a much better job than these objects of representing this art. They love these works because of what they represent. They are part of their national pride, their heritage, for sentimental reasons, and that is why the originals must return to Greece. Britain needn't care about any of this. It's not their story. It is not their national heritage. It's not their national pride," Roger Michael told ERT.

    Asked if she thought the British Museum would take up the idea, Dame Suzman replied: “ It's very imaginative at the moment. That seems to be the case. They haven't gotten there yet. But I think they will. Because they have to. They need to get their feet out of the mud. They are stuck in the mud. They are stuck."

    "For 200 years, these things did their job, to awaken British academic, historical, social circles, and the awareness of the classical world was a huge resurgence of research and science , which these guys did," she says, pointing to sculpted replica of the horse's head.

    "As my grandmother would say, enough already. They have to go home. They have to go." Dame Suzman stated categorically.

    janet at Freud museum

    Roger Michael reveals to ERT that he spoke to the Chair of the British Museum, George Osborne in the summer and "there is no doubt that this will happen".

    George Osborne has already told The Times "there is a deal that can be done".

    The founder of the Digital Technology Institute said Greece's Ambassador, Ioannis Raptakis was speaking directly to Mr Osborne and he thought "negotiations are going very well."

    Mr. Michael emphasized that, " in fact, I would not be surprised if when the Prime Minister of Greece comes to England next week he makes some very optimistic announcement. George Osborne is very clever. He is very successful. He's a politician, but he's also the publisher of a major newspaper, so he not only understands politics, but how to communicate politics. He is a man who cares about his heritage. He does not want to be the last who against the moral judgment of the whole world hangs from these things like grim death. He wants to be the man who finds a solution to a 200-year-old conflict and to be a hero, here in Britain but also in Greece, that's the person he wants to be. I guarantee you that's what I got from talking to him. And this is what I take from the knowledge of people who know him. But Ambassador Raptakis is exactly the same, a very pragmatic man but also a man who I think also cares about his legacy and would like nothing better than to be the man who negotiates an agreement ," Mr. Michael pointed out, noting that the problem may be the word to be used, however diplomacy is working in this direction and he thinks "we will hear some good news very soon."

    raptakis and Michel

    Roger Michel of the Institute of Digital Archaeology (IDA), the 3D sculpted horse's head at the Freud Museum and Ambassador Ioannis Raptakis, Greece's Ambassador to the UK

    ERT asked the British Museum about the new proposal and received the following answer:

    ”There are replicas of the British Museum Parthenon Sculptures in the Acropolis Museum, where they are displayed alongside the sculptures that remained in Athens. Our Greek colleagues from the Acropolis Museum have been to the British Museum in 2013 and 2017 to scan sculptures from the Parthenon."

    The horse's head is on display at the Freud Museum in London. "The construction time of the copy was about two months, while it costed about 100 thousand euros"  explained Alexi Karenovska, Director of Technology of the Institute of Digital Archaeology and added that "the next copy will be the depiction of the Battle of the Titans from the Metopian fragment of Parthenon, also in the British Museum."

    The first exact copy of the Parthenon Sculptures, the Selene's horse head in the British Museum with the help of 3D digital technology took its place in history, reviving hope for the repatriation of the originals to the Acropolis Museum.

    Interview by: Evdoxia Lymberi, to read the article online and watch the news bulletin, follow the link to here.

    All News from Greece and the World @

  • Ta Nea, article by UK Correspondent, Yiannis Andritsopoulos

    The Institute of Digital Archaeology to appeal against the British Museum's refusal to allow access to the Parthenon Sculptures


    The Institute of Digital Archaeology (IDA) in Oxford will take legal action against the British Museum following the institution's inexplicable refusal to allow the Parthenon Sculptures to be scanned in order to make marble replicas of the fragmented pieces, housed in London since 1816.

    'TA NEA' reported on the rejected response, which infuriated the Institute, as it was denied access to the Duveen Gallery where the masterpieces of Pheidias are housed.

    “I'm really surprised at how short-sighted people can be. This arbitrary refusal reveals the intransigence of the British Museum, its arrogance and snobbishness", stated the director of the Institute, Roger Michel, to TA NEA.

    IDA is a partnership between the universities of Oxford and Harvard. The project of reproducing the sculptures "with millimetre precision", which was reported in TA NEA in January: the Institute will offer the copies to the British Museum, inviting it to return the originals to Greece. The initiative received wide publicity in Britain and was 'applauded' by the conservative press, the ‘Times’ and the ‘Telegraph’.

    The request to photograph these sculptures with three-dimensional imaging cameras was submitted on 08 February. The answer came the day before yesterday. "Digital scanning plays an important role in research and can lead to new discoveries related to various objects such as the Parthenon Sculptures," the response reads, adding, however, that "we are not in a position to approve your request. However, the reasons for the decision shall not be disclosed, nor shall any justification for declining the request be provided."

    "It took almost a month and a half to reply to our request. Every week they would email me and assure me that the request we made is very common and it will be effortless for them to respond positively. In the end, they rejected it, without giving us any explanation," says Michel, a scientific fellow of Trinity College of Oxford.

    It was precisely this fact that made him choose to use the judicial route. "This is an arbitrary and irrational decision. The Museum's refusal conceals a prejudice towards us. I do not think it is legally correct. The Museum, as a state-funded institution, must provide unhindered access to its premises."

    In April, the head of the Institute will appeal this decision in a London court, stating that he is confident that he will be vindicated. "The Museum is obliged to treat all requests in the same way. As a public body, it is not entitled to act unjustifiably and arbitrarily. It does though. That's why I believe that eventually we will be given (by the court) the right to scan the Sculptures".

    AFTER THE APPEAL. At the same time, Roger Michel argues that his move may pave the way for something much bigger: the return of these sculptures to Greece.

    "I sincerely believe that our recourse to justice can be a catalyst for developments. The legality of the transfer of these sculptures to London and their retention by the Museum is blurred. So far, the judiciary has not been concerned that the international conventions to which Britain is bound will not allow it to hold onto cultural heritage. Is the British Museum violating some of these international agreements by keeping the Marbles in London?"

    Litigation can drag on quite a bit. However, Michel is not going to shelve his ambitious project. "We are able to complete this even without the participation of the British Museum. With the material we have already gathered in other ways, we will be able in a few days to begin the three-dimensional imaging of the sculptures, on the basis of which we will make high-fidelity marble replicas."

    The Museum did not provide Ta Nea with any justification for rejecting the request of IDA, other than: "It is not possible to meet all the requests we receive," a spokesman said.


    20 March 2022


    Sunday Telegraph

    21 March 2022

    The Times

    Article also in 3D Printing Industry, to read more, follow the link here.

    In 2011, the mindset of the British Museum was very different to that of 2022. Architect Niall McLaughlin told The Architectural Review, that his decision to 'quote' the Marbles on the athletes' block came after "researching the history and significance of the screen in architecture through the writings of Gottfried Semper and Karl Bötticher."

    In the event, the decision to use the Marbles was prompted by "a clandestine conversation with senior curator Ian Jenkins late one night in the British Museum." Why clandestine?

    "The last thing I want is for people to think it is to do with representing the origins of the Olympics," said MacLaughlin. 

    God forbid that the Parthenon Marbles in London might be permitted to refer in any way to their Greek origins. After all, they are now what McLaughlin himself aptly describes as "deracinated". (Deracinated, for those without a dictionary to hand, originates from the late 16th century French term 'déraciner' — to tear up by the roots) wrote Tom Flynn.

    This story was also covered in The Architectural Review, 30 March 2011. So what has changed 11 years later? A new Director at the British Museum, a new Chair of the Trustees at the British Museum, new Trustees, the 'retain and explain' mantra laid down by UK's current government? 

  • Tonight at the Freud Museum in Hampstead, London, the unveiling of a Parthenon sculpture carved from the same Greek marble used on the originals 2,500 years ago. The sculpture of a horse’s head, carved by robots from marble provided Mount Pentelicus, Greece, is a replica of one of half of the surviving Parthenon sculptures held by the British Museum since Lord Elgin took them from the  Athens in the early 19th century.

    The Oxford-based Institute for Digital Archaeology (IDA) created the replica of the horses head, the chariot horse of the goddess Selene, currently in the British Museum from a one-tonne chunk of marble from the same quarry on Mount Pentelicus that Phidias used in the 5th century BC.

    The IDA tweeted yesterday: 



    Roger Michel, the founder of the IDA, had recently spoken to George Osborne, the British Museum chairman, about displaying the replicas, adding that this had not been ruled out. More on this inThe Times

    "I found the UCLA/Getty program in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage with the presentation by Roger Michel, the Executive Director of The Institute for Digital Archaeology very  interesting. Especially Roger Michel's longish parenthesis on the ‘whiteness mania’ of the British Museum. It’s Britishness stronger than the ‘Museumness' of it.

    The BM discarding its old tropes so it moves into the zeitgeist of the 21stC, the sheer quality of objects from Athens they could then have to show, once the Marbles are where they have to be, and Roger's unexpected optimism about George Osborne himself. That surprised me. Of course I am learning all the time.

    I find myself much more taken with the positives that could occur once the dam wall is breached than who did what when; things move so fast now. " Janet Suzman, Chair of the British Committee for the Reunification of the Parthenon Marbles (BCRPM).



  • Telegraph 29 January 2022

    Technology that allows archaeologists to make a millimetre-perfect replica paves way for a deal with British Museum, says Greek ambassador. The plan to copy the section of the Parthenon frieze in the British Museum comes from the Institute for Digital Archaeology (IDA), which created a full-size replica of Syria’s Palmyra Arch which was blown up by Isis in October 2015.

    To read this article in full, visit The Telegraph.


    Ta Nea 31 January 2022

    Yannis Andritsopoulos, UK correspondent for Ta Nea published an aricle on Monday:'New proposal for 3D copies of the Sculptures. The international Institute of Digital Archaeology is willing to make exact replicas with the ultimate goal of exhibiting them in the British Museum, as reported in ‘Ta Nea’ by the IDA’s director Roger Michel and the Greek Ambassador in London, Ioannis Raptakis.'

    Speaking to ‘Ta Nea’ the head of the scientists who inspired the project explained that the innovative method developed by his team could create copies of the sculptures, which may convince the British Museum to return the fragment sculptures  in Room 18 to Greece. A move that is "justifiable and will be of benefit to both countries."

     "I want to see Boris Johnson and Kyriakos Mitsotakis shaking hands and smiling. There is a long history of cooperation between the two countries, which must continue. That's why we offered to make these copies. I think the British will realise that it is time for the Parthenon sculptures to return home. Nothing would make me happier than seeing them reunited in Athens," notes Roger Michel.

    Initially, the Institute's scientists intend to "clone" a metope from the south side of the Parthenon located in the British Museum, which represents the struggle between a Lapithe and a centaur. "We're going to show people what this technology can do," Michel explains. This will take about three months and cost £50,000-70,000, a cost that the Institute itself will cover. "Then, we aspire to reproduce the entire parthenon frieze."

    The Oxford-based institute has pioneered a technique known as 3D Machining. First a digital image is created using photogrammetry, then a robot-operated machine uses chisels in the same way as a human sculptor to carve a copy of the original.

    "We will procure marble identical to the one used by Phidias," explains the director of the Oxford-based Institute, who will ask the British Museum to allow his team to scan the Sculptures on display in London.* 

    The aim of the Institute is to exhibit the entire Parthenon frieze at the United Nations headquarters in New York and other cities of the world, until they are "installed" in London, if the British Museum allows it. "We hope the Museum will embrace our initiative and exhibit the copies, to facilitate the reunification of the surviving pieces in Room 18 with those in the Acropolis Museum.

    "I am optimistic that the reproduction of the frieze will act as a symbol of Greek-British friendship and will lead to a gesture of goodwill that will correct a mistake that was made two centuries ago."

    The Director of the Institute calls on the British Prime Minister to support his initiative. "Mr Johnson has been a great supporter of our work. Thanks to him, the copy of the Arch of Palmyra in Trafalgar Square was exhibited. I believe he can support us now. People change their minds and I think there's a chance it will help this call for the reunification also."

    Speaking to ‘Ta Nea’, Greece's Ambassador to London Ioannis Raptakiswelcomed the Institute's initiative, which was inspired by his own intervention during an event in the British capital last Friday. "It is one step closer to meeting the respectful request for the return of the Sculptures to Greece. Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakishas put a number of proposals on the table. It would be amazing, if the British government were to take the initiative to correct this injustice."

    "The new technology allows the manufacture of exact copies. I believe that the British Museum should present these copies in its collection. It is time to allow the reunification of the Parthenon Sculptures. It would be a magnanimous act of the British people and would be a recognition of our historic debt to Greece," Michael Wood, professor of history at the University of Manchester and member of the British Committee for the Reunification of the Parthenon Sculptures (BCRPM), told ‘Ta Nea’.

    To read the original article in Greek, follow the link to Ta Nea.

    Ta Nea Monday 31 January 2022

    * In 2012, the BM gave Niall McLaughlin Architects permission to scan the frieze in Room 18  

  • LSE Hellenic Conference 2025: Cultural Politics and Ongoing Debates, the Reunification of the Parthenon Sculptures

    Date: 21st March

    Time: 12:00-13:00 PM

    Location: LSE Campus, Yangtze Theatre - Centre Building


    ● Victoria Hislop

    ● Mark Stephens CBE

    ● Roger Michel

    Moderator: Dr. Tatiana Flessas – Associate Professor of Law, LSE

    Victoria Hislop is an internationally acclaimed author whose works explore Greece’s rich history and cultural heritage. A member of the British Committee for the Reunification of the Parthenon Marbles (BCRPM), she is a passionate advocate for the return of Greece’s displaced antiquities. Her debut novel, The Island (2005), became a global sensation, selling over 6 million copies in 40 languages and inspiring a record-breaking Greek TV adaptation. Victoria's dedication to Greece extends beyond literature—she was awarded Honorary Greek Citizenship in 2020 for her contributions to Greek culture. She is also Patron of Knossos 2025, working to support archaeological research in Crete. Beyond writing, Victoria is an ambassador for Lepra, a UK charity supporting leprosy treatment worldwide, and an advocate for literacy through her work with the National Literacy Trust.

    Mark Stephens CBE, is a distinguished solicitor specializing in media law, intellectual property, human rights, and cultural property law, with Legal 500 (2025) describing him as: "Quite simply a legend of the art and cultural property world ‘’. He is the co-founder of the renowned law firm Howard Kennedy and member of the British Committee for the Reunification of the Parthenon Marbles (BCRPM), working to address legal and ethical debates surrounding cultural heritage. Throughout his career, Mark has advised high-profile clients, representing figures such as Julian Assange, Mike Tyson and Greenpeace, as well as handling complex international arbitration disputes. He has also been retained by multiple governments, including that of Cyprus to advise and represent their legal interests. He also lectures at universities and higher education institutions worldwide.

    Roger Michel, is the Executive Director of the Institute for Digital Archaeology (IDA), known for its ground-breaking work in heritage preservation and reconstruction. The IDA collaborates with national governments, major universities, and NGOs to create high-precision replicas of significant cultural artefacts. Its reconstructions are featured in museums worldwide, including the Victoria & Albert Museum’s Cast Courts. The potential replication of the Parthenon Marbles aims to provide a diplomatic solution to the longstanding ownership debate. Michel’s team can produce indistinguishable copies, offering the British Museum a way to maintain the visual experience of the Marbles while allowing the originals to return to Greece. Before founding the IDA, he had a distinguished career as a public prosecutor in the U.S., specializing in high-profile murder cases and a Lecturer at Boston University Law School for 25 years.

    Note that the conference organizers extended an invitation to the British Museum to participate in this discussion, but they were unable to send a representative.

    Each speaker will explain how they first became involved in the debate over the Parthenon Marbles and why this issue resonates with them.

    Historical background: Was the acquisition of the Parthenon Marbles by Lord Elgin legal, and does legality override ethical considerations? 
    ● How does modern international law, including UNESCO conventions, view cases like this?
    ● Should the legal ambiguity of the Marbles’ removal impact their return?
    ● How might future legal frameworks evolve to address cultural property disputes more effectively and what role will international organizations (UNESCO, ICOM, the EU) play in shaping restitution policies?

    Museums’ role, Challenges, Future Outlook 
    ● Are museums still justified in holding culturally significant artefacts?
    ● How do recent restitution cases (e.g., the Benin Bronzes) set a precedent? What lessons can be learned from Italy and the Vatican’s recent returns of Parthenon fragments?
    ● Could a long-term loan be a viable compromise, or would it set a dangerous precedent?
    ● Could the British Museum and Greece reach another collaborative resolution in the coming years? What would that look like?
    ● How do generational shifts in museum leadership influence the likelihood of change?
    ● How has literature, media/journalism, and public discourse influenced the debate on the Parthenon Marbles?
    ● Have you encountered resistance to your work in advocating for cultural restitution?
    ● How could emerging technologies (AI, 3D scanning, digital twins) offer alternative solutions for cultural heritage access?

    Q&A Session 

    Closing Remarks 

  • Friday 21 March was day one of a two day conference, the LSE Hellenic Conference 2025.

    The first session included a thought provoking discussion between Margaritis Schinas, Vice President of the European Commission (2019-2024) with Spyros Economides. The Translatlantic Alliance and Europe's standing on the world stage, gave the audience plenty to reflect upon. Despite the challenges that Europe and the world face, there is hope. 

    BCRPM remembers Margaritis Schinas' article on the Parthenon Marbles too.

    The second session of Friday's conference was aptly entitled "Debate on Greek Cultural Heritage: the reunification of the Parthenon Marbles" and was graced by three speakers, two are members of the British Committee for the Reunification of the Parthenon Marbles: Mark Stephens CBE and Victoria Hislop. Roger Michel of the IDA. The moderator was Dr Tatiana Flessa.

    Dr Flessa asked the speakers to start by outlining how they had come to support this cause. Mark explained that his legal background and interests saw him working on both the return of Aboriginal remains and Nazi looted art. Meeting with others that had been involved in the Parthenon Marbles case, he too felt strongly that this was a just cause. Victoria spoke of her childhood and as a regular visitor to the British Museum in the 60's and 70's how she had sat on the fence until Boris Johnson, the then PM declared in an interview that the sculptures held in the British Museum would never be returned (March 2021). Roger Michel remembered speaking with the Greek Ambassador pre Covid and explaining that exact replicas could be the answer to this long-running debate. 

    Both Mark and Roger spoke at length about the legality of Lord Elgin's removal of the sculptures, not least the sale and the centuries of division. International law, British law and statutes of limitation were highlighted  but Roger wanted to question why the Charities Act rather than the Museum's Act had not been used to facilitate the reunification. Dr Flessa also gathered the thoughts of both Mark and Roger regarding good title and legal transfer.

    Victoria was keen to emphasise that should the Parthenon Marbles be reunited, the British Museum would not be emptied. That it was time for the British Museum to look where it was in terms of public opinion and that reuniting the Parthenon Marbles would be the best thing that it could do as an institution that also prides itself on education and research.

    Mark spoke about UNESCOand the UN, the resolutions passed regarding specific objects that ought to be returned to their country of origin. On the international arena when emblematic cases where return and restitution to their countries of origin is discussed, there is the greatest support for the reunification of the Parthenon Marbles.  

    Roger quoted Castlereagh, one of the most distinguished foreign secretaries in British history, and yet it was Byron that criticised Castlereagh. Roger also added that art has its own rights.

    Victoria has often imagined the day when the sculptures will finally arrive at the Acropolis Museum, declaring: "There will be great rejoicing in the whole of Greece - and a National Holiday declared.  In Britain, most will not even notice or care - there won’t be weeping in the street."

    BCRPM wishes to thank the organisers and especially Maria Efthymiadou.



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