the reunification of the Parthenon Marbles


    The Art Lawyers Association podcast: The Parthenon Marbles Dispute, a 'must listen' as it is relevant to the the status quo.

    The introduction to the podcast states that this is "a discussion of one of the art world's greatest debates. Two of the foremost authorities on the subject, regarding the history and rightful ownership of the Parthenon or "Elgin" Marbles, Mark Stephens CBE and Alexander Herman" speak at length.

    Mark interviews Alexander about his recent book on the subject, published late last year "The Parthenon Marbles Dispute"*, which offers a fresh take on the history of those famous works of ancient sculpture which once adorned the Parthenon Temple on the Acropolis, and continue to be displayed in the British Museum.

    Janet Suzman, Chair of BCRPM described this podcast as "the most in depth discussion she had heard. "Tight and to the point, this podcast touches on all the relevancies of now."

    To listen to the podcast, follow the link here.

    We would also invite readers to look at the paper that the late George Bizos, member of the BCRPM, delivered at the 2012 International Colloquy held in London:"A Legal and Moral Issue, was a valid Firman issued?" Follow the link here to read George's words too.

     * Vice-Chair of the BCRPM, Paul Cartledge reviewed Alexander Herman's book, to read his words, follow the link here.

  • Simon Bertin invites Classics Professor Paul Cartledge to talk on the Parthenon Marbles and talks over returning them to Greece.

    During the programme, Paul points that the Parthenon is the most complex, and most architecturally distinguished monument of ancient Greece. He goes on to explain the significance of the stunningly sculpted elements from the frieze, to the metopes and pedimental sculptures.

    Paul also takes listeners through the story of Lord Elgin's removal of the best sculptued pieces. How just three decades after they had been removed, and  once Greece gained independence,  the new Greek state formally request the return of what Lord Elgin had removed from the Parthenon and sold to Parliament in 1816. The point on the 'permission' is also covered. "There is no firman", Paul points out but a letter written in Italian, which one can access at the British Museum, and this does not give Lord Elgin's men specific permission to remove all that was removed.

    The fragments returned to Greece from Heidelberg, Palermo and most recently the Vatican Museums, although a fraction of what the British Museum holds, have made a great difference to Greece's continued request for the reunification of all of the surviving pieces from the Parthenon.

    The support for finding a solution at UNESCO was overwhelming, and Paul praised Greece's efforts, highlighting how isolated the UK has become in this matter.

    Paul concludes that the Parthenon and its sculptures are an astnishing feat of human social and political endevour.

     To listen to this programme follow the link, here.

  • Kathimeri's article by Costis P. Papadiochos is wrapped in optimism.

    "Greece and the British Museum are reportedly nearing a crucial agreement for the reunification of the Parthenon Marbles. Confidential negotiations have yielded significant progress, though a formal deal has yet to be sealed. Key discussions centre on permanently housing the sculptures at Athens’ Acropolis Museum while offering major Greek artefacts for extended exhibitions in London. However, the discussions do not include all that Lord Elgin removed."

    And indeed BCRPM members have spent decades explaining that Greece's the request for the reunification of Parthenon Marbles is specific and does not include all that Lord Elgin removed from the Acropolis.

    Plus the reunification of the Parthenon Marbles in the Acropolis Museum's Parthenon Gallery would reinstate the Parthenon's artistic and historical narrative. The marble sculptures that are being asked for include: fragments of the frieze (56 fragments are missing from the frieze depicting the Panathenaic Procession-about 75 meters out of a total of 160), 17 pedimental figures and 15 metopes.


    The critical challenge, navigating the UK’s 1963 law that prohibits deaccession. The Kathimerini article however suggests that the "British Museum officials are pursuing a creative legal framework to comply with the restriction while satisfying Greece’s firm resistance to loans. This legal compromise is seen as crucial in shielding the agreement from anticipated court challenges."

    We continue to wait with optimism.


    "Negotiators are cautiously optimistic that, after decades of contention, both sides can align on a sustainable and mutually respectful solution. With cultural heritage and international diplomacy at stake, the final steps in this process may hold significant implications for global artefact restitution debates." Concludes Costis Papadiochos. 

  • Janet Suzman, our Chair was on ERT TV's 9 o'clock news on Saturday 06 March 2021. The interview took place following on from the article that was published in Ta Nea by UK Correspondent Yannis Andritsopoulos that morning. Janet emphasised that all like minded, profound people, hope to see the sculptures removed by Lord Elgin and currently housed in the British Museum's Room 18, re-joining their surviving halves in the Parthenon Gallery of the superlative Acropolis Museum.


    Janet added in her press statement to Yannis Andritsopoulos of TA NEA that: "the fact that George Clooney, and an increasing number of thoughtful people in the public eye, would wish to see the Parthenon Marbles reunited with their other halves in the Acropolis Museum is a measure of how aware they are of the justice of such an event. Were it to be achieved it will be the pressure in the public sphere both of respected individuals with high profiles, and a groundswell from the museum-going populace at large that will eventually persuade a great institution like the British Museum to shift its stance. These sculptures belong uniquely to an edifice that still dominates the skyline of Athens and all of Western thinking. They stand at the very heart of Greece’s cultural patrimony. Claiming a spurious ownership is not something such a respected treasure house can continue without feeling a bit foolish, above all because there exists no absolute proof of that ownership. The Museum has more than enough fascinating objects to survive the gesture with its universalist head still held high."

    paul cartledge 2

    Professor Paul Cartledge as Vice-Chair of the BCRPM and the IARPS added:"We warmly welcome George Clooney's continued supportfor the reunion of the Parthenon Marbles. What is needed now is a supreme generosity of internationalist spirit and moral courage. Our campaign has recently been accompanied by a large wave of international support from various anti-colonial movements calling for the repatriation of cultural treasures. For centuries, colonial powers and their merchants have plundered or individualised, officially or informally, these treasures, either for purely personal gratification or as a means of national self-evolution - or both."

    To read the Ta Nea article (in Greek), please follow the link here

    Ta Nea Clooney 06 March 2021

    Many other outlets picked up on this story including The Art Newspaper that also carried Janet Suzman's letter in their March 2021 edition.


  • Michelle Pépratx-Evans argues that, beyond the archaeological and aesthetic evidence, the return of the Elgin Marbles is a fundamentally ethical issue.


    The European crisis, financial in appearance, is in reality profoundly social, even societal. The problems that Greece has faced and those she is made to face are only the tip of the European iceberg. The number, types and levels of dishonourable shameless attacks on the birthplace of our civilisation should remind the thinking public = you, that Aesop’s lesson (the dogs and the fox) “it is easy to kick a man that is down”,13 is sadly relevant to the situation, in particular to the support from Britons, who pay or don’t pay income tax but advise Greece that if they want to stay in the Eurozone, they should accept the consequences and get on with it! Therefore we Europeans need to reflect on the meaning of the word ‘community’ and start building the group that calls itself the “European Community”. This research report on the Parthenon, a perennial issue since the 1816 parliamentary debate, now needs to be made accessible to a wider audience in the hope that the claims which attempt to justify the retention by Britain of goods received from an occupying power are, at last, seen to be what they really are...

    Copyright . Michelle Pépratx-Evans

    June, 2012

    The Parthenon, before its destruction in part by fire during the Venetian siege, had been a temple, a church and a mosque. In each point of view it is an object of regard; it changed its worshippers; but still it was a place of worship thrice sacred to devotion: its violation is a triple sacrilege.4 (G G Byron, 1812)

    Download the full article (PDF)


    Michelle Petrax Evans ON BIKE 2

  •  for the Guardian writes 'The legal case for giving them back to Greece is weak, but the marbles deserve to be seen in their original setting in Athens.'

    To read the full article use the link :

    acropolis museum collage

    'If the guiding principle is that our global cultural heritage belongs to all of us, and should be available to as many of us as possible, then more difficult decisions have to be made.

    In this case, there's a persuasive argument that people should have the chance to see the marbles beside the Acropolis on which they were first erected. In the new Acropolis Museum, the Parthenon itself is visible through the windows of the room in which the marbles would be displayed together with the fragments that remained in Athens. The sculptures currently split in two – including a decapitated goddess and a great procession that disappears half way through – would be reunited, and would finally make all their sense. Athens is no less accessible than London to the rest of the world, and to see and think about this temple and almost all of its sculpture on the same morning, under the same Athenian sky, would be a privilege and a joy.' Josephine Quinn, the Guardian, 14 February 2014.

  • British Museum interim Director, Sir Mark Jones interviewed two weeks ago in The Times, explaining how he has dealt with the consequences of the British Museum thefts. He set a target of five years for the BM’s complete collection, eight million objects, to be catalogued online, each with an image. With 60% of the BM's objects already digitalised, this target will be met.

    Ten of the recovered stolen items are to be featured in a new BM exhibition called 'Rediscovering Gems', which opens on Thursday, 15 February 2024. 

    From theft of artefacts to the call for the British Museum to give back some of the contested items in its collection.

    “It’s true that I find the legal situation of contested objects, and the historical justification for retaining them, much less interesting than consideration of their current and future benefits,” Jones says. "What we should really be thinking about is where these objects are going to create the most interest, where they are best going to engage people.”

    We certainly concurr with that last sentence. The Parthenon Gallery in the Acropolis Museum is the one place on earth where it is possible to have a single and aesthetic experience simultaneously of the Parthenon and its sculptures. 

    Read the full interview with Sir Mark Jones in the The Times.

    Gareth Harris from The Art Newspaper also wrote quoting Sir Jones' response in The Times  with his reply to the question of if he were "still the BM’s director in a couple of years’ time, could he envisage supervising an arrangement to return the Elgin [Parthenon] Marbles to Greece?”

    “Yes,” Jones said. “I could easily imagine a relationship between us and the Acropolis Museum [in Athens] that included mutual loans. Why not? They have some rather fabulous objects as well.”

    Greece has been offering to loan antiquities to the British Museum in return for the reunification of the sculptures in Athens, for over 24 years.



  • From 27-29 September, the 22nd session of the ICPRCP, UNESCO's Intergovernmental Committee for Promoting the Return of Cultural Property to its Countries of Origin or its Restitution in case of Illicit Appropriation, took place in Paris.

    The ICPRCP advisory body facilitates bilateral negotiations and offers mediator services to states concerning the return and restitution of cultural property.

    To watch the proceeding of the three days, visit: 

    The presentation by Greece took place on Wednesday the 28th of September. Greece was represented by the Ministry of Culture by the Secretary General of Culture George Didaskalou, the new General Director of the Acropolis Museum Nikolaos Stampolidis, the Head of the Directorate of Documentation and Protection of Cultural Heritage and Legal Adviser of the Special Legal Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Artemis Papathanassiou. For the first time, apart from the recommendation, a decision with stronger wording was also agreed.

    George Didaskalou Nikos Stampolodis and Artemis for ICPRCP 28 Sept

    Greece's Minister of Culture and Sports Lina Mendoni, made the following statement:

    "Greece's request for the return of the Parthenon Sculptures to Athens has been on the agenda of UNESCO Intergovernmental Committees on the Return of Cultural Property to the Countries of Origin (ICPRCP) since 1984, when it was first introduced by Melina Mercouri and remains there again today, 30 September 2021.

    At the 22nd session of the ICPRCP, which ended on the 29th of September evening, the Committee issued (due to the countless efforts of Greece and the invaluable support of Zambia, Egypt, and other countries-members of the ICPRCP) for the first time, a Decision concerning specially the issue of the return of the Parthenon Sculptures. The Committee urges , through the Decision, the United Kingdom to reconsider its position and to negotiate with Greece, in bona fide, acknowledging that the matter is intergovernmental - contrary to the British side's claim that the case concerns exclusively the Trustees of the British Museum - and that Greece is claiming rightly and legally the Return of the Sculptures. The new Decision, is a very important development in the recognition of the legality and intergovernmental character of Greece’s just claim.

    I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart the members of the Greek delegation, as well as our Permanent Representation to UNESCO for their diligent commitment to the return of the Sculptures. All worked rigorously and consistently to achieve this extremely positive result.”

    mendoni with museums


    The UK's prsentation during the meeting upheld the BM's position with the same old and tired arguments for the continued retention of the fragmented sculptures from the Parthenon in Room 18. Nonetheless, there was a consensus among member nations that this cultural dispute deserved after all this time, to be resolved through the faciliation of the ICPRCP. 

    BCRPM in supporting Greece and nations across the globe, which have all recognised the significance of this peerless collection of sculptures and the exceptional top floor Parthenon Gallery in the Acropolis Museum, applaud these ICPRCP recommendations and the new decision. We are all looking forward to dialogue. It is our collective respect for the Parthenon, which deserves to be the catalyst for change, starting with honest talks to resolve the long awaited reunification of the Parthenon Marbles. The time is now.

    The added value of this year's ICPRCP new decision as summed up in eKathimerini, reads as follows:

    The decision of the 22nd session of the ICPRCP's Commission expresses its strong dissatisfaction with the fact that the issue remains unresolved due to the United Kingdom's stance. In addition, it urges the United Kingdom to reconsider its position and enter into a bona fide dialogue with Greece, emphasizing the intergovernmental nature of the dispute.

    This decision was the result of the tireless efforts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs together with the Ministry of Culture.

    Accordingly, the text of this year's Recommendation reflects, inter alia, the Commission's concern that the Duveen Gallery at the British Museum, where half of the surviving Parthenon Sculptures are on display, is closed to the public due to the necessary restoration work.

  • The UK General Election will take place on 4 July 2024 and whichever party you decide to vote for, we'd like to ask you to consider writing to your constituency MP.


    BCRPM has been campaigning for the reunification of the Parthenon Marbles since 1983 and if you wish to add your voice to the plight of the divided Parthenon Marbles/Sculptures we would be grateful.


    We've drafted a letter which you can use as a template. Feel free to add anything that you also feel might make your MP understand that amending the Museum Act to allow these sculptures to be reunited with their other halves in the Acropolis Museum would make a great difference.


    To download the letter, click the link here.


    We thank you. 




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