
  • Published today, another YouGov poll, sample size:4869 GB adults surveyed, and only 17% believe the Parthenon Marbles currently in the British Museum should be kept in Britain. A tiny minority of the adults surveyed. Good to also see support for the reunification remains strong albeit 26% 'don't mind either way' and 9% 'don't know'. 



    The results for region, gender, politics, age and social grade also of interest, to view them all, follow the link here.

  • YouGov Poll published 23 November 2021

    The Parthenon Marbles are a collection of Ancient Greek sculptures that were removed from the Acropolis in Athens from 1801-12 (when Greece was ruled by the Ottoman Empire) and have been on display in the British Museum since 1817. The Greek government has requested their permanent return, but the British Museum has refused. Where do you believe the Parthenon Marbles belong?

    survey result

    Looking at the breakdown of the 7717 adults surveyed, Scotland tops the poll with 68% in favour,London 63%,the Midlands 59%  the South and North of England equal with 59%. The sample group voting in favour were almost equally divided bewtweeb 62% female and 59% male.The largest age group at 62% were the those aged 50-64, closely follwed at 61% of those over 65 years of age. Those aged to 18-24 accounted for 58% of the votes in favour, closely followed by those aged 25-29 at 57%.

    On the political spectrum Labour supporters were way ahead wth 73%, followed by Lib Dem's at 65% and Conservatives at 49%.

    To see the poll on the YouGov site, follow the link.

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