2011 News

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Greece is the Word

I have a modest proposal that might simultaneously celebrate the life of Christopher Hitchens, strengthen Britain’s low stock in Europe and allow us to help a dear friend in terrible trouble.

Perhaps the most beautiful and famous monument in the world is the Doric masterpiece atop the citadel, or Acropolis, of Athens. It is called the Parthenon, the Virgin Temple dedicated to Pallas Athene, the goddess of wisdom who gave the Greek capital its name.

The Acropolis contains other temples and represents in the minds of scholars, historians and all who care about our past and the source of our civilisation, the pinnacle of Athens’s Golden Age under the leadership of Pericles; that period of peace between the wars against Persia which they won, and the wars against their neighbours Sparta, which they lost.

For students and lovers of architecture the Acropolis (over which I made a spectacular fool of myself some years ago) will always remain one of the most perfect examples of the Doric order ever constructed. The Romans and Arabians later added arches, ogees, domes, pendentives, barrelled vaults and squinches to the basic elements of architecture, but the Parthenon’s grace has never been surpassed. Its influence is all around us. Pillars, pilasters, porticos, pediments, architraves, entablatures, triglyphs and metopes may sound strange but we see them every day in high street buildings, town halls, 18th century churches, squares and crescents. Some people who spot trains or birds are called sad. I am a sad corbel, buttress and apse spotter – one who loves that there is a name for everything in architecture, a full and rich anatomy.

Doric elements were not the only thing that came from Greece. 5th century BC Athens was a city state that gave us Aristotle and his devising of logic, categories, ethics and poetics; Plato and Socrates led ceaseless quests for the discovery of the truth behind people, phenomena and politics. Their refusal to take as true any baseless, unprovable assertions made by priests, tyrants and hierarchs but instead to examine honestly from first principles took nearly two millennia to be rediscovered by the renaissance and then enlightenment philosophers who shaped our modern world very much with Periclean Athens in mind. Euclid and Archimedes are to this day heroes to all mathematicians and engineers. Their blend of rationalism and empiricism is at the heart of all science and sense. The sheer magnificent beauty of Euclidian geometric theorems and their proofs, has never, most mathematicians would agree, been surpassed.

The duty of Athenian citizens to play a part in justice through the tribunals on the Areopagus Hill was taken seriously, as was democracy in the form of regular voting: there was even an agreed assumption that theatre as a total art form that combined mask, dance, poetry, drama, history, music and religious ceremony was an essential element of public life and formed part of an open analysis of Athenian identity. As Nietzsche pointed out in his supreme The Birth of Tragedy, the Greek people had gone from tribal blood feuds, war and savagery to a peak of civilisation in a very short time indeed. Nietzsche chose the Greek gods Apollo and Dionysus as representatives of the two sides of the Greek (and of course all human) character. One part harmonious, reasonable, artistic, musical, mathematical and idealistic, the other consumed by appetite, lusts and loss of reason through desire, greed and ambition. Whether we call these Freud’s ego and id or Forster’s prose and the passion, which we must “only connect”, no civilisation I can think of seems so clearly to display through its art, rhetoric, philosophy and politics just what it is to be a human, a social and collective being, what Aristotle himself called in a phrase almost worn away by universal use, “a political animal”.

Of course we are not talking about an ideal society. Slavery, the subjugated role of women, open paederasty and xenophobia, helotry and harlotry – these are not things wholly in tune with the temper of our own times. Read E. R. Dodds’s masterly The Greeks and the Irrational and you will see they weren’t all algebraic geniuses with a bent for brilliant oratory and logical exposition. But Athenian education, open enquiry, democracy, justice and a harmony of form in sculpture and architecture were quite new to our world and indeed their ability to question themselves is one of the things for which we are most indebted to them.

We have them to thank for the Olympic Games too, and the next Olympiad of the modern age will of course be held in London in 2012, and very excited and pleased about that I am. Excited and pleased because I love sport and always and automatically want to line up on the opposite side of cynics, curmudgeons, wet-blankets, pessimists, and (literally in this case) spoilsports.

I am also excited and pleased because the occasion — the largest regular gathering human beings on the face of the planet — offers…

A) a remarkable opportunity to appease the dead spirit of the great Hitchens

B) to make up to some small degree for our recent devastating and pathetic humiliation in Europe

C) to redress a great wrong and

D) to express our solidarity with, affection for and belief in Greece and the ideals it gave us.

The Hellenic Republic today is in heart-rending turmoil, a humiliating sovereign debt crisis has brought Greece to the brink of absolute ruin. This proud, beautiful nation for which Byron laid down his life is in a condition much like the one for which he mourned when they were under the Ottoman yoke in the early nineteenth century, taking time off from the comic ironic tones of his ottava rima masterpiece Don Juan to insert this mournful threnody….

The isles of Greece, the isles of Greece!

Where burning Sappho loved and sung,
Where grew the arts of war and peace,
Where Delos rose, and Phoebus sprung!
Eternal summer gilds them yet,
But all, except their sun, is set…
And where are they? And where art thou?
My country? On thy voiceless shore
The heroic lay is tuneless now—
The heroic bosom beats no more!
And must thy lyre, so long divine,
Degenerate into hands like mine?
‘Tis something, in the dearth of fame,
Though linked among a fettered race,
To feel at least a patriot’s shame,
Even as I sing, suffuse my face;
For what is left the poet here?
For Greeks a blush–for Greece a tear….

Two years ago a new and beautiful Acropolis museum was completed, allowing visitors a much more intelligent enlightening, captivating and informative journey through the history and meaning of the Acropolis than the rather rocky hillside rambles of the past.

A year earlier, in 2008, the Italian and Greek Presidents had taken part in a ceremony in which a fragment of marble sculpture taken from Greece and left in Italy 200 years earlier was returned to Athens. This small fragment had been taken by the British Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, Lord Elgin.

The greater part of the haul was taken to England where they have been housed in the British Museum in London since 1816 under the now highly charged name of the Elgin Marbles. Even at the time plenty of Britons thought the Ottoman Empire’s granting permission to take so many elements of the Parthenon (and the stunning Erectheum, the temple with its famous caryatids further down the hill) away from their home and into London was little short of looting.


What has all this to do with Christopher Hitchens, polemicist, shamer of Clinton, Kissinger and Mother Teresa, champion of Orwell and Payne, scourge of tele-evangelists and mountebanks everywhere? Well, in 1997 Hitchens wrote a book called The Parthenon Marbles, the Case for Reunification. In it he lays out how, inspired by reading Colin MacInnes (of Absolute Beginners fame) on the subject, he threw himself into finding out more about the marbles and came to what he saw a frankly irrefutable case for their return.

It was, as the author Simon Raven pointed out, the Greeks who maintained that anyone who tells you what happens to a person after they die is either a fool or a liar. The speculation over Hitchens’s soul’s fate has been as disgusting and degrading as the age of indulgences, sold pardons and chantry chapels, but comes as no surprise to anyone. His legacy however, his doctrine of decency, his war on bullies, tyrants, liars and frauds, now that can be honoured and it can be called, if you wanted to do so, his imperishable soul.

Arguments for keeping the Elgin Marbles in the BM usually boil down to:

A) If Elgin hadn’t appropriated them they would probably have rotted or crumbled away so we saved them and deserve to keep them

B) Once you go down the path of museums returning ransacked treasures to their countries of origin then all the great museums and galleries of the world will have their collections dispersed to the great detriment of scholarship, visitor access and common sense

C) Every year, more people see them in the British Museum than visit Athens, so to move them would be to reduce their availability to be seen.

Argument A is most peculiar. As Hitchens put it, if you rescue furniture from a neighbour’s fire and keep it for them while they rebuild their house you then give it back, you don’t claim rights over it. Hitchens points out in his book how gracious Greece has been about the whole affair. It was Melina Mercouri (at whose funeral he was a pall-bearer), the actress, singer and politician, who really got the campaign going and always conducted it, on her part, with great good grace.

The British Museum has been utterly intransigent over point B. “Over my dead body” appears to be the view of each successive Director. The current chief, Neil MacGregor has had a brilliant tenure but is quite as foursquare against the return of the marbles as his predecessors. It is axiomatic that no museum or gallery ever likes to de-acquire. “What next?” they cry. “Every mummy, every Babylonian pot, the Rosetta Stone? The Royal Game of Ur? The Madonna of the Rocks and Rembrandt’s self-portraits at the National? Cleopatra’s Needle?”

Well, the answer to that is NO. We are discussing a specific part of an existing building, which we now know can be properly and professionally curated and displayed. The argument “Oh, once you go down that path…” has never held water. The weirder kind of libertarians said it about seat belts. “Oh, once you make people wear seat belts it’ll be helmets and roll bars next…” that kind of drivel. “Once you ban hunting, they’ll ban fishing.” If you ban citizens from owning Uzi machine guns it doesn’t mean you’re “going down the path that will lead to the banning of shot-guns and peashooters. Get a grip everyone.

Humans have will. We can go down a path and then turn left or right, or turn right round. Legislature is, perforce, nuanced and (we trust) skilfully drafted precisely so as to introduce regulation with the minimum loss of wider rights and liberties. “Going down the path” of the return of the Elgin Marbles need not be fatefully precedential. We could decide to let it not be. Of course plenty of countries will seize their chance to have a go at demanding returns of this artefact or that, but this is happening anyway. The Parthenon affair is a special case. Italy returned their fragment two years ago and haven’t been badgered, bullied and ballyragged since.

Greece made us. We owe them. They are ready for its return and have never needed such morale boosting achievement more. And it would be so graceful, so apt, so right.

As for Point C, visitor numbers, well that is something of a self-fulfilling prophecy, not to mention a counsel of despair. As Kevin Costner almost said, ‘If you move it, they will come.”

Not everyone likes the new Acropolis museum it must be admitted: apparently its construction flattened the musician Vangelis’s charming house and the reinstalled friezes would, say some scholars, be hardly more ‘authentic’ in their new home than they are in Bloomsbury. But the stone quarried from Mount Pentelikon, the dazzling white pentelic marble from which the Parthenon is made, is for Greece what the marble of Carrara was for Michelangelo and it belongs in its homeland, it expresses it. There really is such a characteristic as terroir. Which is why something as disgusting as retsina tastes so delicious on a beach in Patmos and so horrific in a warm kitchen in Wincanton.

As it happens the British Prime Minister’s office and the Department of Culture , Media and Sport are, even as we speak, planning a ‘Great’ campaign in which they wish to show the world what is Great about Britain (in fact the Great is really of course is a geopolitical term, as in Greater Manchester, not a profession of superiority, but never mind). I am patriotic I think. I fact I know I am. And like most people who truly love their country, I don’t think it perfect but want it always to strive to be better, nobler, kinder, smarter. I want to be proud of it. Some will see the ‘Great’ campaign as a Ladybird Book version of Blair’s embarrassing Cool Britannia ‘initiative’ back in the 90s. A step back to a heritage museum Britain where we’re all the best of (Julian) Fellowes and grandeur parallels diversity, tolerance and innovation. I wish them well and offer this thought:

What greater gesture could be made to Greece in its time of appalling financial distress? An act of friendship, atonement and an expression of faith in the future of the cradle of democracy would be so, well just so damned classy. The City of London whose “interests” Cameron wishes to protect, but which independent observers say is now if anything less secure in its hegemony than ever before, has buildings in which people sit all day betting “against” Greece, or “taking positions” as they would rather put it. In other words they get home from the office happy in the thought that their transactions have hurled another thunderbolt into the land of Homer and Plato, Themistocles and Pindar. May they rot.

There is much talk of “repatriating powers” from Europe amongst Eurosceptic and even middle-of-the-road politicians. To repatriate a power takes treaties, rows, enmities, alliances and betrayals. To repatriate a collection of stolen marbles take good will, moral courage and a decisive belief that right can be done. Oh, and I suppose a Hercules transport aircraft or large ship. Rope, voiding, bungees, castors. That kind of thing. Bean-shaped foam too I shouldn’t wonder.

How can we British be proud until we sit down with Greek politicians and arrange for the return of their treasure? It would be a dignified, but a thrilling celebration. No need for head-hanging apology or anything silly, just a recognition that the time is now right. Remember that dipping of the head, that bow, made by the Queen to the fallen of Ireland on her last visit there? Symbols mean a great deal. If the Hulture Secretary, Jeremy … oh, you know who I mean … or the Prime Minister or his Desperate Deputy did have the grace and guts to make this gesture, perhaps at the opening of London 2012 and then following it up in Athens with a full reinstallation it will achieve many things: it might remind us of what we all owe Greece, it might encourage us to visit the country and spend a little tourist money on its ferries, islands, temples, attractions and dazzling beauty: those blue seas, the warmly hospitable people, the theatres, temples, statue, beaches and bottles of resinated Domestika.

Such a fine gesture might also help make the rest of Europe decide we are not always the perfidious Albion they have traditionally believed us to be. I believe we would gain far more than we lost. A simulacrum in plaster or resin could hang in the BM where the real ones now do and an series of photographs could display the process of the return and the history behind it.

I certainly wouldn’t rename them the Hitchens Marbles, Christopher would bridle and writhe at such a thought, but those who wanted to, might discover the part he played in this long struggle and know that he wasn’t all about trashing icons, vilifying statesmen or taunting faith-healers. He once defined an educated person as one who knows the limits of their knowledge. His own self-professed philhellenism stemmed as much from the great gift Greek civilisation had given him and has given all of us– the confidence to doubt, to reason and openly to question. To know how little we know. To be curious about ourselves.

It’s time we lost our marbles.

x Stephen Fry

The British Committee for the Reunification of the Parthenon Marbles thanks Christopher for his support and his written work supporting the reunification of what is a peerless work of art - still in 2011 fragmented between London and Athens.


The BCRPM wishes to thank Stephen Fry for his 'modest proposal'.

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16 December 2011

Tribute to the late Christopher Hitchens from the BCRPM

The British Committee for the Reunification of the Parthenon Marbles (BCRPM) today paid tribute to the late Christopher Hitchens who died, for his keen support for the return of the Parthenon Marbles to Greece.

Eleni Cubitt, Honorary Secretary for the Committee said: “We are all deeply saddened by the news of Christopher’s death and we send our sincere condolences to his family at this time. Christopher’s contribution and belief in our cause was a great strength to me personally and he will be sorely missed as one of our key supporters.”

Christopher Hitchens is the author of ‘The Parthenon Marbles: The Case for Reunification’ and the BCRPM arranged for him to attended the launched of the third edition of the book,  23 May 2008 at Chatham House in London. This edition is dedicated to James Cubitt and has a preface written by Nadine Gordimer.

Mr Hitchens felt the opening of the new Acropolis Museum provided the ideal opportunity to re-state the case for the return of the Elgin Marbles to Athens. When the new Acropolis Museum opened in June 2009, Christopher Hitchens visited and wrote an article, ‘The Lovely Stones’ which was published in Vanity Fair (July 2009). His concluding sentence reads: "And one day, surely, there will be an agreement to do the right thing by the world’s most “right” structure.”


Hitchens interest in the marbles began 25 years ago when he read an essay by Colin Macinnes, author of the 1950s novel Absolute Beginners, who had taken an interest in the Parthenon Marbles early on when no one else was really looking into why they were not returned to Greece. Hitchens, having heard nothing about them before, felt compelled to find out more.

He wrote his first article in 1983 on the subject in The Spectator and later went on to publish his book ‘The Parthenon Marbles: The Case for Reunification’ in 1987. In the book Hitchen insists the Greeks have a “natural right” to the sculptures, and that they belong on the hill of the Acropolis “in that light, in that air. Pentelic marble does not occur in the UK”.

The argument still hasn’t been won and the Parthenon Marbles still remain in the British Museum.

For more information visit www.parthenonuk.com

A number of links to article published today,  16 December 2011, remembering Christopher Hitchens:


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Author: Greek Reporter

Tom Jackson is a British author who lives in Athens with his wife and daughter. After becoming intensely interested in the events surrounding the removal of the Parthenon marbles, he undertook considerable research  here in Athens and in the UK to discover the truth about the highly controversial subject. After gaining a lot more information surrounding their removal, Tom not only became an ardent advocate for the restitution of the Parthenon Marbles, he was also inspired to write an adventure/mystery novel revolving around them.
Here in an intriguing interview, Tom talks about his life, his inspiration behind the book and also his hopes and desire that his novel may serve to highlight the need to return the marbles to Greece and awaken an interest in the subject, however small.

Tom, tell me about yourself, your background and how you came to be living here in Greece? How long have you been here now?
TJ: I originate from Manchester – and yes I’m an avid ‘United’ supporter. One cold and wet (it’s always wet, and invariable cold, in Manchester) November day back in 1976, I was called down to London by my Head Office – I worked for a British Bank – and they offered me a 4-year posting to Greece. I weighed up the pros and cons, which took all of five seconds, accepted, and in late January 1977, found myself in warm, sunny, friendly Greece.
What do you enjoy most about Athens, How’s the quality of life? Do you miss England?
TJ: Undoubtedly, I enjoy most, the actual quality of life in Athens. In Greece, we are currently undergoing considerable social and economic hardship – the word continually on everyone’s lips is ‘austerity’. And yet Greece still has so much to offer – close family relationships, friendship, a good place to raise a family, fabulous cuisine, and of course, as a Mancunian ‘the wonderful weather’! I think when you wake up in the morning and actually see the sun and feel its warmth, then, it makes you feel better, psychologically.
There are certain things that I do miss being away from England – the lack of proximity to my own family, the theatre, certain sports and recreational activities. But, after all, life is a trade-off, and I think I got the best possible deal!
Have you managed to learn the Greek language?
TJ: This is something of a touchy subject with my wife and daughter. When I first met my wife – in June 1977 – I did not speak Greek, and Flora did not speak English. We were engaged within six months and married within the year. Flora’s English is now very good, while my Greek is best described as fairly basic. I do try, but I guess I’m one of those people for whom languages just do not stick.
When did you realize that you had a talent for writing and what kind of books do you enjoy reading?
TJ: I took pleasure in writing from an early age. I think my first attempt at a short story was around the age of ten. I believe that my desire to write stems from  reading. Every Monday, I would visit the local lending library and stock up with five or six books to keep me going for the week. My preference is undoubtedly for the cocktail of adventure/mystery/crime. For example, I enjoy Agatha Christie, Alistair McLean, Robert Ludlum, Frederick Forsyth and Ken Follett. Although I do have a considerable passion for historical novelists such as Jane Austen, (Pride and Prejudice is my all-time favourite novel), C.S.Forester, John Buchan, and naturally, Dickens.
You’ve recently written a novel, ‘The Devil’s Legacy’, (an ebook online) which I believe revolves around the Parthenon Marbles and their return to Greece? Can you tell our readers a little about the plot and what was the inspiration behind it? Why do you feel so strongly about seeing the Marbles returned?
TJ: Many years ago, I attended a conference here in Athens, at the Zappeion, on the Restitution of the Parthenon Marbles. The keynote speaker at the event was the late Jules Dassin (the film director and husband of Melina Mercouri). I must admit that my initial attendance at the conference was somewhat tongue-in-cheek. Like the vast majority of British nationals, I had little knowledge of the exact sequence of events leading up to the Parthenon Marbles being owned by Britain, and housed in the British Museum. For me, they were merely another collection of antiquities we had acquired a couple of centuries ago. We owned them! Why should we just hand them back? What was the big deal?
However, the conference stimulated my curiosity, and I became interested in the actual events surrounding the removal of the Marbles by Lord Elgin’s agents. This led me to undertake considerable research here in Athens and in the UK – including a visit to the archives of the British Museum.
This research in turn led me to the undoubted conclusion that the Marbles had been removed illegally, without any proper authority. In fact, the man actually responsible for the removal, the Rev. Philip Hunt, admitted quite openly at the time, that he was able to remove the Marbles only through a combination of ‘cajolery, threats and bribery’
The bottom line is that I felt, as an Englishman, I must do something to rectify the errors of our ancestors.
Not long after the Parthenon Marbles were removed to Britain by Lord Elgin’s agents, a piece of sardonic Latin graffiti, attributed to Lord Byron, appeared scrawled on the plaster wall, on the west side of the Parthenon (circa 1810): ‘Quod non fecerunt Goti Hoc fecerunt Scoti.’ ‘What the Goths left undone has been done by the Scots’.
I think this sums up the vandalism inflicted on the Parthenon very succinctly, and what was true in Byron’s time remains even more so in today’s enlightened world!
My research gave me the germ of an idea for a work of fiction with the removal of the Parthenon Marbles as the underlying theme – and thus my novel ‘The Devil’s Legacy’ - an adventure/mystery set in the present day with flashbacks to the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries – was born.
There have been many publications of a purely academic nature regarding the removal of the Marbles, however, I am not aware of anything fictionalizing the event – and thus felt that my novel may well offer a uniquely interesting and thought-provoking perspective. As well as a good read!
Buried for over one hundred years deep in the vaults of the British Museum is ‘Pandora’s Box’. The novel’s plot revolves around the British government’s decision to resolve the terrible underlying mystery hidden within Pandora’s Box and return the Parthenon Marbles to Greece within a six-month deadline. Success must be achieved against an intensifying background of treason, competition from an American billionaire collector, and the intervention of the Greek mafia. Failure would threaten the very fabric of British society.
I believe that ‘The Devil’s Legacy’ combines a compelling and novel journey through time with the search for truth and the restoration of a country’s stolen heritage. Fiction is interwoven with historical fact to create a plausible, yet original and absorbing hypothesis revolving around a highly topical issue – the return of the Parthenon Marbles to their rightful home in the New Acropolis Museum.
How much time did you spend on researching and how long did it take you to write the book? How factual is it?
I probably spent over a year researching before I started the writing process – and, all told, two to three years actually writing ‘The Devil’s Legacy’. The historical element of my novel is around 20%. I made every possible effort to ensure that all the factual elements are as accurate as possible as regards persons, events, situations, dates, etc.
How did you come up with the title and how did you feel after completing it?
TJ: Each of the chapters is prefaced by a quotation from the works of Constantine Cavafy, and I thought at first of using one of these as the title. However, the theme of ‘Legacy’ runs through the book on different levels, and whilst one of the characters in my novel is actually referred to as a ‘Devil’, again the Devil
 could have several connotations.
Completing the novel was for me the closest I think a man can come to the physical act of birth. I have always felt that the act of creation, whether it is evidenced by way of art, music or literature, is one of the greatest gifts we have as humans – and the provider of the most sublime pleasure.
What response have you received so far from readers who have read The Devil’s Legacy?

Very positive, so far.
Whilst ‘The Devil’s Legacy’ has only been available at Smashwords for a few weeks, and is still in the process of being made available through other on-line retailers, e.g. Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Sony, Kobo and Diesel, the general reaction is very promising. From the feedback I have received to-date; the overall perception of readers is that it is a ‘thought-provoking, complex and unusual yarn they simply don’t wish to put down’.
It’s evident that there are no plans for the Parthenon Marbles to be reinstated at this time. Why do you believe the British government are so opposed to returning them?
TJ:The British Museum wishes to keep them because they are the Museum’s greatest attraction. It is logical to presume that the bottom line for the British government is somewhat similar. Money talks, as they say!
Over the years many arguments/reasons have been propounded for retaining the Marbles in London. All have now fallen by the wayside, except one. The perception remains that if the Parthenon Marbles are returned, it might run the risk of opening the floodgates to similar claims from many countries, which would result in the worlds’ premier museums becoming devoid of actual antiquities.
However, what the British authorities must come to realize is that the Parthenon Marbles are unique. They are not a stand-alone antiquity – they represent an intrinsic element of a structure, a building. It’s similar in concept to armed invaders arriving to remove part of the façade of Westminster Abbey, or the Tower of London, or the Notre-Dame, or the Vatican, or the Taj Mahal. The list of comparisons is endless!
Based on the fact that so many influential people including Melina Mercuri, Sean Connery and a number of government
 members around the world have demanded their return, but were unsuccessful, do you think it’s likely that they will ever be on show in the New Acropolis Museum?
 I remain positive. I believe it’s only a matter of time before the Marbles return home. I don’t mean to sound patronizing, but the British are, by nature, a logical people. Once the ‘people-in-the-street’ fully understand the circumstances surrounding the original removal and acquisition of the Marbles by the British government, the flawed arguments for retention over the years, and the significance of the Marbles to the people of Greece, I believe they will exert
 the necessary pressure on the British government for ‘Reunification’! We will see a groundswell for their return.
What is the general opinion of the British citizens? Did you hear any of their opinions during your research for The Devil’s Legacy?
TJ: Opinions are rather mixed. Those who have lived in Greece for some years tend to understand the deep, underlying significance of the Marbles for the people of Greece. However, the vast majority of British society is simply unaware of the true facts and events surrounding the removal of the Marbles. If people can be shown the light, then . . .
Back in the eighties, I encouraged a group of university students to each write to Tony Blair demanding the return of the marbles to Greece. The students actually received letters back from a government official, stating that there was not a suitable location for their display in Greece and that the Greek government could not guarantee that the marbles would be protected.

Do you think that these reasons are still legitimate, in light of the New Acropolis Museum and its beautiful glass-covered exterior walls?
TJ:Absolutely not!
As I said earlier, over the years, many arguments have been put forward against the return of the Marbles. None really stand up today. It’s just a question of intransigence on the part of British politicians – quite possibly financially motivated.
I can think of no finer location for the Parthenon Marbles than the inspiring New Acropolis Museum.
Have you contacted the British Museum or the government yourself to voice your protest or been involved in any campaigns to demand the marbles return? Will you send them a copy of The Devil’s Legacy?
I believe that ‘The Devil’s Legacy’ is my best possible forum to campaign for the return of the Marbles.
Experience has shown that the British government and the British Museum are totally immune from independent, indiscriminate, one-off approaches. I believe that what is required is a concerted and co-ordinated campaign. Only by making people fully aware of the true facts can you hope to create interest . . . to motivate . . . to energize . . . support for their return.
I have already contacted the British Ambassador in Athens and provided him with a copy of my book, and have sent Nick Clegg a message through Facebook. I will also be sending him and other influential people, not just limited to within the UK, a copy of my novel to generate interest and hopefully some form of concerted action.
Do you have any future plans to write another ebook?
TJ:Yes, I am already thinking about a sequel. But also, I am considering an idea I have for a trilogy set in nineteenth century Greece.
Has the present economical crisis made you consider returning to the UK?
No. I have been pleased and proud to call Greece my home since 1977. I certainly have no desire to leave. If I was young, and just starting out on my career it might be different, because there are very limited opportunities in Greece today for the younger generation career-wise.
Finally, what comments would you like to make to the Greek youth of today? How can they become involved in the crusade to have the Parthenon Marbles returned to what is hopefully, their final resting place?
TJ: I would just say, ‘continue the fight for Reunification ’. In life nothing lasts forever, and although the British government is currently inflexible on this issue, attitudes can quickly change. The British psyche is mired in the dogma of denial and physical possession. It’s very much the case of the old English saying; ‘Possession is nine-tenths of the law’.
The Greek youth of today are far better placed to make an impact than my contemporaries. We now live in a world dominated by the ‘World Wide Web’. There are very few people under the age of forty who do not have a personal presence through the Internet – be it a Web Site, Blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc. There is nothing that cannot be achieved through dedicated, concerted, coordinated action.
So, I think it all comes down to ‘Participation’ and ‘Concerted/Coordinated Action’.
The more positive, pro-active publicity the issue of Reunification gets, the more we can influence the existing status quo, and persuade the British authorities that what may have been acceptable behaviour in the empirical nation-state world of two hundred years ago, has little place in the 21st century goldfish-bowl we all share today.
‘The Devil’s Legacy’ is available now as an ebook on the Internet from   Smashwords (http://www.smashwords.com/ ), and shortly from online ebook   retailers including: Amazon, Apple, Barns & Noble, Sony, Kobo, Diesel and   others.
 ISBN: 978-1-4660-1282-0
Smashwords also offers the reader the ability to download the novel in  multiple formats and at multiple times.
Tom Jackson will be donating 10% of the royalties he receives from this ebook to the Committee for the Reunification of the Parthenon Marbles. He hopes readers will enjoy the book and its journey through history. He also has a Facebook profile, if readers would like to contact him with comments or queries.

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Author: SKAI Books

ENGLISH EDITION - Scholars and experts talk on the history, restoration and the Acropolis Museum

What is it that causes the monuments of the Acropolis of Athens to be considered world heritage? At the same time, why is it that Greeks regard these monuments as being theirs, regardless of whether or not they visit them regularly or whether they really know them? Why do they regard them as their very own, their "home", the trademark of Greece through the ages and of the present day?

To what do they owe their beauty, their harmony, their majesty, which not only causes whoever looks upon them for the first time to become rooted to the spot, but also daily renews the feeling of wonder and admiration in those who work there? How come, although now in ruins, they continue to embody values and spiritual achievement that make them symbols of the ultimate in European or more generally, Western thought, government and creation?

It is these and other questions that the 16 specialists attempt to answer during conversations with the journalist Aris Portosalte in the spring of 2009, just before the official opening of the new Acropolis museum. Archeologists, architects, civil and chemical engineers and a specialist marble stonemason, all dedicated to study and research of the Acropolis monuments, to saving them, to their conservation as well as their display, all approach the Acropolis phenomenon in a different way, each from the viewpoint of their particular speciality and field, interpreting the different manifestations, underlining and illuminating different facets, ultimately helping us to get to know it, become familiar with it.

Through their conversations unfold the terms, conditions, the cultural atmosphere of the creation of the monuments of the Acropolis, their uniqueness of architecture and sculpture, their subsequent historical adventures and fate, their special relationship with modern day Greece, and the efforts being made over the last 35 years to conserve and restore these monuments. Furthermore, for the first time, we witness the rationale behind the task of bringing forth and promoting the artistic and cultural values of Acropolis' "world" in the new museum.

Their words are direct, every day, and incorporate the varied scholarly or lay phraseology, that characterises the daily Greek language. They all express deep admiration for the Acropolis monuments, and an even deeper respect for their creators. Each one expresses the same emotions of euphoria and gratitude for their luck in being able to study them or work in their shadow.

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21st Annual Runciman Lecture

Thursday 2 February 2012

Great Hall, Strand Campus, 18.00

Looking at the Athenian Acropilis: from modern times to antiquity

Speaker: William St Clair

William St Clair will discuss the ways in which the Acropolis has historically been interpreted by three main constituencies, the people of Athens, visitors from abroad, and those who only saw Athens in their imaginations with the help of pictures. Beginning in modern times when current viewing conventions were invented, and going back through chronological layers, he suggests how his approach can improve our understanding of how the Acropolis was understood in antiquity.

His starting point is that it was the viewers who made the meanings.

The talk will include images never previously shown.

William St Clair, FBA, FRSL, is Senior Research Fellow, Institute of English Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London. His books include Lord Elgin and the Marbles, That Greece Might Still be Free and the work on which the approach is based, The Reading Nation in the Romantic Period.

Sir Michael Llewellyn Smith will introduce the speaker and Bettany Hughes will give the vote of thanks.



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Series synopsis:

Joanna Lumley sets out to explore one of the most diverse and surprising countries in Europe, where much of western civilisation began. On her odyssey, Joanna encounters both the ancient and modern aspects of Greece, touching on how the origins of drama, democracy, science, philosophy and medicine can be found here, and how they have left an enduring legacy on the fabric of our everyday life.

Following in the footsteps of the ancient Greeks, she visits some of the most significant sites of their empire, exploring the history, gods, beliefs, myths and legends which hail from this profoundly significant chapter in European history. Delphi, Ancient Olympia, the Gates of Hades and Mount Olympus all feature within her travels. So too does the British influence on this land, from the occupation of Corfu to its connection with the most romantic of all poets, Lord Byron.

Joanna provides a glimpse of the diversity of cultures within Greece and provides an insight into the range of lifestyles existing there today. She meets Nana Mouskouri, the most famous of all Greek singers, who performs for Joanna at Epidaurus, and the flower-throwing hedonistic nightclub goers of Athens, as well as venturing off the beaten tourist trail to find the remote villagers of the Mani Peninsular who eek out a living from the land, cooking wild asparagus picked fresh from the hillside. She spends time with the shepherds of Crete whose forefathers helped defeat the Nazis, meets a rare breed of islanders who are continuing to speak with one another using an old language based on whistling, and she explores the remote border lands of Greece, home to established Muslim communities who grow tobacco to make a living.


Episode 1, Thursday 13 October,  9 pm  on ITV


Joanna begins her Greek odyssey at the Parthenon in Athens, which was created by the ancient Greeks two and a half thousand years ago. This was the dawn of western civilisation, which saw the birth of democracy, language, science and medicine.

From here Joanna travels around the southern region of Greece from Athens to the Peloponnese, visiting spectacular mythical and historic sites left by this great civilisation. These were places of theatre, death, sport and religion to the Ancients and they represent the very cornerstone of this empire. The Greeks flocked to these sites and Joanna follows in their footsteps.

En route she meets modern Greeks who are still influenced by this ancient era.

From the marble cutters on the Acropolis who continue to use the same tools as their ancestors, to the Englishman who now worships the god of Apollo at Greece’s most sacred place, Delphi.

Joanna’s route takes her off the tourist trail to places where ancient myths and cultures live on. She meets villagers who communicate by whistling, a lady who lives a solitary life in an almost deserted village, surviving by eating wild plants and shrubs and a fisherman who takes her to the gates of Hades, the underworld, where the Ancients went when they died. Joanna finds inspiration in the isolated peninsula of the Mani, where its haunting tower house settlements and barren landscape seem unchanged for centuries.

Joanna also takes part in a Bouzoukia, a hugely popular singing club where, in a modern twist on an old tradition, the audience spends a fortune on flowers that they throw in appreciation.

And finally Joanna meets perhaps one of the most famous singers in the world, Nana Mouskouri, at Epidaurus, one of the best surviving amphitheatres, where, in order to demonstrate the perfect acoustics, Nana gives a rare performance to Joanna.

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Drama-documentary in which art critic Andrew Graham-Dixon tells the story of the greatest cultural controversy of the last 200 years. He explores the history of the Elgin Marbles, tells the dramatic story of their removal from Athens and cites the arguments for and against their return to Greece.



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