The exhibition is divided into five theme galleries, with one of them being the excavation itself that is expected to open to the public in a year's time. The about 4000 finds of the New Museum can be found at the gallery of The Acropolis Slopes, shortly before the main galleries, the gallery of the Acropolis during the Archaic Period (where life-size statues and horse riders are overwhelmed by the daytime light reflected on the details of the statues), and the gallery of the Parthenon, where the metopes, the frieze and the pediments of the ancient temple are presented before the visitors eye in full swing.

Visitors can easily tell which parts were snatched by Lord Elgin and are housed in the British Museum, since the original ones are exhibited with the 1846 plaster casts so that one of history's biggest robbery can become perfectly clear.

the new Acropolis Museum has a total area of 25,000 square meters, with exhibition space of over 14,000 square meters, ten times more than that of the old one.

The reasoning behind the exhibition, explained Mr Pantermalis, is to give the visitors the feeling they are walking through the place to realize the place where the excavations and the artifacts lie. "It takes three hours to get an overall view of the exhibition," added Pantermalis.

Touring the Exhibits

The idea behind the new museum is to give the visitors the feeling they are visiting the Acropolis itself. From the entrance on the ground floor, visitors find themselves in the first gallery with a glass-made floor, which houses finds from the slopes of the Acropolis.

Visitors are welcomed by an owl of goddess Athina and a series of statuettes of Niki.They then move to the next level.

The Acropolis was built on a rock and ancient visitors met houses and several sanctuaries located on the slopes. From the settlement erected on the slopes of the Acropolis, we have artifacts related to everyday life, including tableware and symposium vessels, cooking pots, perfume holders, cosmetics and jewelry containers and children's toys, as well as sculptures that were found in a small sanctuary inside the house of philosopher Proklos.

The south slope was home to two of the most important sanctuaries of the city, those of Dionysos Eleuthereus and Asklepios. For the first time, finds, including the Athenians dedicated the nuptial bath vases, as well as other votive offerings, such as perfume bottles, cosmetics and jewelry containers and symposium vases, from a small open-air temple dedicated to the Nymphe have come to light. The north slope was dedicated to lesser important sanctuaries.

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