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International London Colloquy continues to unite the cause for the Reunification of the Parthenon Marbles and pays tribute to Eleni Cubitt, founder of the BCRPM

21 June 2012


The International Colloquy for the 'Reunificaton of the Parthenon Marbles', held in London Tuesday 19 June 2012 covered many aspects including the concept of the 'universal museum' and legal issues relating to the Parthenon Sculptures. 

Amongst the distinguished speakers George Bizos, Human Rights Advocate and Author; Dr Tom Flynn London-based art historian, critic and journalist; Andrew Dismore Former MP for Hendon; Chair, Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights. 

Christina Borg paid tribute to the late Christopher Hitchens and a moments silence was observed by all. 

Professor Judith Herrin (Professor Emerita, Constantine Leventis Senior Research Fellow & Fellow of King’s College London) paid tribute to Eleni Cubitt, founder of the BCRPM. She called on all the Committees around the globe to adopt Eleni as their Honoray Patron.

Below the address by Prof. Dimitrios Pandermalis, President, Acropolis Museum


Monday 18 June 2012, Athens Greece


Dear friends

On the twentieth of June the Acropolis Museum celebrates its third birthday, completing its third exceptionally successful year of operation.  With over 5 million visitors in its first three years, the Museum continues to have large numbers of visitors that enjoy its unique exhibits and are able to follow the ongoing enrichment of its collections.  Metopes of the Parthenon, taken down from the monument for the first time since their creation, have recently been presented at the Museum, initially at eye level for the appreciation of visitors. 

The Museum has now also commenced the digital scanning of the Parthenon Frieze and it is hoped that the same may be undertaken with the sculptures in the British Museum.  The result will be an accurate database of the physical qualities of the frieze that will assist in the development of a complete picture of these famous sculptures.  Having realized the unification of cast copies with the originals in the Acropolis Museum, this project takes us a step further, giving us the capacity to accurately reunify all the originals, initially, with digital technology.

I regret that I cannot be present with you all in London on the occasion of this important Colloquy.  Preparations for the celebrations and my preexisting commitments abroad prevent me from doing so.   However, as we prepare to celebrate the Museum’s third birthday, I cannot but reflect on those that have supported its success not only in the last three years but in the difficult days and years leading up to its opening.  I must therefore pay a special tribute to a special person  - and to the unique knowledge and understanding that she provided to me personally in our frequent contacts, and to the unending and warm support and encouragement she provided both to me and the project overall.  Eleni Cubitt, thank you my dear friend και να είσαι πάντα καλά.

  Dimitrios Pandermalis, President, Acropolis Museum




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