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International Colloquy: "Parthenon. An Icon of Global Citizenship"

Sydney 15 - 17 November 2013

"At the international colloquy held in London in June 2012 the intention was announced that this would be the first of an annual series of such events. The British Committee for the Reunification of the Parthenon Marbles is pleased that the International Organising Committee – Australia for the Restitution of the Parthenon Marbles is planning to honour its commitment to hold the next colloquy in 2013 in Sydney.

The themes of the planned colloquy pick up and develop themes addressed in London.

The theme of Education addresses the evidence of opinion polls that public support for reunification is much influenced by awareness of the issues, including the role of museums.

The theme of Litigation is particularly topical in the light of increasingly aggressive initiatives by a number of countries, most notably and recently Turkey.

The theme of Economy provides the opportunity to consider how the conservation and exploitation of cultural heritage contribute to the economy, not least of Greece in its current economic crisis.

Finally the theme of Activism addresses the central purpose of the series of colloquies, to draw together the many initiatives worldwide and to exploit new media of communication to maximum combined effect.

The BCRPM welcomes the Sydney colloquy as an important contribution to this process."

For more information visit the Colloquy's website on:


Eddie O'Hara, 

Chairman BCRPM

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