Never Again (Back to Athens), song by Sarah Fenwick and Marinos Neofytou dedicated to the sculptures from the Parthenon

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The song 'Never Again' was composed by Cypriot guitarist Marinos Neofytou and goes to the roots of ethnic jazz. Inspired by the Greek-sounding melody, jazz singer Sarah Fenwick wrote lyrics about reuniting the beautiful Parthenon Marbles in the Acropolis Museum in Athens, from where they were taken by Lord Elgin in the 19th Century.

Sarah and Marinos were moved by the plight of these marbles. Sarah commented " these marbles considered a work of art belonging to ancient Greek civilisation, and as such, their sad separation from the warmth of Greece is a long-running theme in the art world."

The song is part of the duet's new CD 'Jazz Origins', which seeks to show the various and diverse roots of jazz, with original songs from the Blues, Ethnic, Latin, and Lullaby traditions, which form the great foundations of this amazing music genre.

"Inspiring the song was a suggestion from campaigners at the British Committee for the Reunification of the Parrthenon Marbles, whose work on behalf of the cause of reuniting the Parthenon Marbles has brought life to the possibility that they will be returned to Greece" added Sarah Fenwick.

You can listen to 'Never Again' on you tube.

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