23 December 2016
As the Christmas weekend is nearly with us, we would like to thank our many supporters for all your encouragement during 2016.
Message from our Chair, Dame Janet Suzman, DBE
To all our warm wishes for a Festive season. This year has brought many challenges to us all - with the next one promising all sorts of surprises. But at least we are joined in like-mindedness on our mission. A small but beautifully formed mission, if I may say so, in its essential contrast to a world that has lost any sense of what remains important. Have a peaceful festive season wherever you might be.
And from BCRPM's Vice Chair, Professor Cartledge
Best season's greetings, happy holidays to you all and warmest wishes for 2017 - which post-Brexit, post-Trump and post-Truth must be better than 2016!
Link to interview carried out by Janet and Paul for ERT TV on the occassion of the 200 year anniversary of the purchase by the British government of the Parthenon Marbles from Lord Elgin (1816).
And the link to BCRPM's event on the 07 June 2016 to mark the date, 200 years ago, when British Parliament voted to purchase from Lord Elgin his collection of sculpted marbles collected from the Parthenon and elsewhere on the Athenian Acropolis.
The article by Professor Sandis and Tristram Besterman's key note speech on 07 June 2016.
The event, 01 July 2016, at the British Museum to mark 200 years of the Parthenon marbles in Britain.
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