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Two awards for two dedicated women

22 June 2017, the Hellenic National Commission for UNESCO, held an event entitled "Protection of Cultural Goods from illegal trafficking and armed conflicts through the conventions of UNESCO: An assessment of the Greek presence and contribution". The event was held in the Auditorium of the Acropolis Museum and opened by the Deputy Foreign Minister, Mr. Ioannis Amanatidis and the Minister of Culture and Sport.

Speeches were made by the President of the Board of the Acropolis Museum, Mr Dimitrios Pantermalis, President of the Greek National Committee for UNESCO, Mrs. Catherine Tzitzikosta and the Deputy Director-General of UNESCO for culture, Mr Francesco Bandarin. After these speeches, the Deputy Director-General of UNESCO for culture, Mr Francesco Bandarin and Deputy Foreign Minister, Mr. Ioannis Amanatidis awarded two ladies. The first Dr. Maria Andreadaki-Vlazaki, General Secretary of the Ministry of Culture and Sport, for her significant contribution during her Chairpersonship to the 1970 Convention on the prevention and Preventing the illicit import, export and transfer of ownership of cultural property and Dr. Artemis Papathanassiou also for her significant contribution during her Chairpersonship to the 1954 Hague Convention for the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict and the second Protocol of 1999.

Maria and Artemis

From left to right:Dr Maria Vlazaki, General Secretary of the Ministry of Culture and Sport withDeputy Director-General of UNESCO for culture, Francesco Bandarin and Dr. Artemis Papathanassiou, Legal Advisor at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Greece and Chairperson 2nd Protocol to the 1954 Hague Convention, member of the Hellenic Committee for the Reunification of the Parthenon Sculptures.

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