Petros Papadopoulos of RETURN speaks to support the reunification for the #ParthenonMarbles in London with those in Athens

Petros Papadopoulos of RETURN speaks to support the reunification for the #ParthenonMarbles in London with those in Athens

Petros Papadopoulos, from Limassol, Cyprus is a second year Law student at Cambridge University and attended a peaceful protest at the BM with members of the BCRPM. Petros volunteered to speak as part of BP or not BP? peaceful protest at the British Museum. This was an opportunity for Petros to reinforce his message RETURN from his protest last summer ourside the BM gates.

To read more on Petros' first protest in 2018, follow the link here.

Saturday 04 May 2019 and Petros delivered a strong message to the three hundred plus BP or not BP? protesters gathered in the BM's Parthenon Gallery. To watch his speech, follow link here.

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