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The Parthenon Project (PP) joins the campaign to reunite the Parthenon Marbles

We of BCRPM welcome the recent formation of the campaigning unit The Parthenon Project (PP), funded by Greek national Mr John Lefas and supported in Britain by Lord Vaizey, a former Culture Minister in the Tory-led UK Coalition Government of 2011-2015. Happily for the Reunification cause, and unusually for many Ministers of Culture, Media and Sport, Ed Vaizey responds very positively to the preservation of culture and has declared himself strongly in favour of The Parthenon Marbles returning to Greece. Stephen Fry is also a supporter of John Lefas’ efforts and his generous expenditures on behalf of what was originally dubbed “Lost My Marbles” and is now more soberly named The Parthenon Project. Victoria Hislop, also a member of BCRPM, stands with her friend Fry in support. Their celebrity is a huge plus in efforts to excite press coverage.  The PP is in colloquy with the Hellenic Prime Minister, as we understand it, but as yet the British government has made no efforts to be responsive.

Clearly both organisations, along with others,  share the conviction that there are positively no good reasons for The British Museum to hang on to those Marbles taken illicitly two centuries ago from the standing remains of the Parthenon by Lord Elgin. We wish to emphasise that BCRPM is solely interested in the liberation of these sculptures and bas reliefs, and we do not intend to agitate for any other figures that Elgin illegally shipped out. This policy coincides with the clear wishes of the Government of Greece which requires the return of the Parthenon sculptures only.   

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