BCRPM joins many in expressing sadness at the passing of Marianna Vardinoyannis

BCRPM's Hon President, Professor Anthony Snodgrass, Chair, Janet Suzman and Vice-Chair, Professor Paul Cartledge, plus the members of the committee were deeply saddened by the news of Marianna Vardinoyannis. Thoughts with Marianna's family and the team that worked tirelessly with her at the Foundation.

Marianna made a major bid in 2014 in conjunction with the Melina Mercouri Foundation to ‘relaunch’ the campaign for the reunification of the Parthenon Marbles in Greece. It was aptly entitled: Return The Marbles, Restore Parthenon, Restart History. It was a privilege to be there with William St Clair.


RE campaign

BCRPM's presentation highlighted all of the committee's activities for the past 31 years, and included, as Marianna put it ‘so many voices’. 

Subsequent times when BCRPM members would have an opportunity to continue to meet with Marianna included the epic 2019 conference for the reunification, also held at the Acropolis Museum.

In December of 2021, the foundation was again in touch to ask if Tom Flynn would be willing to go to Athens and speak, at the Acropolis Museum, for International Women’s Day in March 2022.

And we reflect on Marianna's article, also on BCRPM's web site, where she quoted George Seferis:

“A little longer
And we shall see the almond trees in blossom
The marbles shining in the sun
The sea, the curling waves
Just a little more
Let us rise just a little higher...”

marianna vimagazine january small




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