Debate: the 'Elgin Marbles' should be returned to Greece


Barnaby Phillips is supporting the case for the reunification of the Parthenon Marbles. Dominic Selwood, as many of you know, has argued consistently for these specific sculptures to remain in the British Museum. 

And you can read more on what grounds Dominic argues that the Parthenon Marbles should remain divided, here:

We would agree wholeheratedly with Dominic's final paragrah where he begins with: "This debate is not going away." But would add that the reunification of the Parthenon Marbles will not stop the British Museum, and others in sharing their universal collections with an increasingly divided world. In fact, it would embelish the message of unity and cultural co-operation in a fragmented, war stricken world. We all need hope Dominic, hope for humanity. The history of these sculptures deserve a new 21st century chapter. A new chapter that reflects the will of the public. Time for great museums to make a respectful gesture, in this case reuniting the surviving, and fragmented sculptures in the one place on earth where it is possible to have a single and aesthetic experience simultaneously of the Parthenon and its sculptures. 

Barnaby Philips debate

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