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BCRPM welcomes two new members:Dr Tessa Dunlop and Oliver Webb-Carter


Dr Tessa Dunlop is best known for her appearances across numerous TV talk shows and history documentaries in a broadcast career that began with BBC2’s Coast. She has written three successful oral history books centred on WWII and women and one royal biography.

Tessa studied Modern History at Oxford University and has an MA/PHD from Sheffield Hallam University that focused on the British-Romanian relationship at the beginning of the twentieth century. With a passion for Romania including extensive broadcast work for BBC Radio 4/World Service and several Romanian media networks, her interest extends to the so-called ‘Balkan rubric’ and Britain’s othering of these south-east European countries and their history. That includes modern Greece and the disconnect between Britain’s professed adoration of Ancient Greece and our failure to return their most important artefacts – the Parthenon Marbles.

A relative newbie to the cause, she first became vocal on this subject in December 2023.

Tessa Dunlop


Oliver Webb-Carter studied Ancient History and Classical Archaeology at the University of Warwick. He worked as an archaeologist in Central America and for the Museum of London before changing career and heading to the City for nearly two decades.

He returned to his first love of history and co-founded Aspects of History in 2020, a magazine, website and podcast dedicated to history and historical fiction.

A passionate Philhellene, Oliver has travelled extensively in Greece and first wrote to the UK government in 1999 to request the return of the Parthenon Marbles.


Oliver Webb Carter small

Janet Suzman, Chair of BCRPM and Paul Cartledge, Vice-Chair plus all of BCRPM's thirty members, welcome Tessa and Oliver to the committee.


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