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Hellenic Engineers Society of Great Britain also adds its voices to the reunification of the Parthenon Marbles

Hellenic Engineers Society of Great Britain also adds its voices to the reunification of the Parthenon Marbles

On Saturday 24 February, the 29th annual dinner dance of the Hellenic Engineers Society of Great Britain took place at the Grosvenor House Hotel, London. This society has 400 members from Britain and Greece.

The Society started off with around eighty Founding Members in 1995 and since then has increased in membership year on year, firmly establishing its presence within the UK maritime industry. 

Just over 750 members, guests including Greece's Ambassador to the UK, Yiannis Tsaousis, and friends from all five continents, attended this unique event at the spectacular Great Room of the landmark London hotel.

The president of the Association Dimitris Monioudis during his speech addressed the continued division of the Parthenon Marbles. This year’s event booklet  was dedicated to the Parthenon Marbles, an issue which the President and those that were gathered support. The President lamented the sculptures division especially as it concerned two democratic nations and their peoples. Two nations with so much in common, allies, which ought to be able to resolve this long running issue of cultural heritage.


The Lyceum of Greek Women in London presented traditional dances from all over Greece at the annual dinner. The evening also included performance by the all female electric string quartet Fortissimo, which followed music by DJ Avgoustinos Galiassos. Avgoustinos is also a member of BCRPM.

Part of the proceeds of this year's event are to be donated to a number of charities.

Read more about the 29th event of the HESGB here, and visit the society's site too .

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