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UK's secretary of state for culture, Lisa Nandy and repatriation of cultural objects

UK's secretary of state for culture, Lisa Nandy and repatriation of cultural objects

'Repatriation of objects is on the government’s agenda, says UK culture secretary', the headline of The Art Newspaper article by Gareth Harris.

The UK’s secretary of state for culture, Lisa Nandy, has said that the government is in discussions with national museums about the repatriation of certain objects.

Music to our ears! This also struck a chord with Tristram Hunt, Director of the V & A. Tristram urged the review of the UK museums deaccession act when he spoke in July 2022 whilst attending Cultural Diplomacy at Art for Tomorrow's panel which took place at the Acropolis Museum in Athens. To read more on what Tristram said then, follow the link here

Responding to news that ministers are now exploring the repatriation of precious objects, Hunt told The Art Newspaper: “It is very encouraging to learn that the culture secretary is supportive of repatriation reform and updating the legislation that prevents national museums from deaccessioning objects in their collection. We now look forward to active conversations on this with the ministerial team.”

More links to this story also in ARTnews and Museum + Heritage.

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